
1. **淡化眼纹**:雅诗兰黛眼部精华能有效淡化眼周细纹和皱纹,帮助恢复眼部肌肤的年轻状态。

2. **修护眼周肌肤**:该产品具有温和无刺激的特性,适合各种肤质,能有效修护眼周肌肤,加速肌肤状态改善。

3. **去黑眼圈**:雅诗兰黛眼部精华具有去黑眼圈的效果,能显著减轻眼部周围的黑眼圈问题。

4. **紧致肌肤**:长期使用可以提升眼周肌肤的紧致度,使肌肤更加嫩滑。


5. **保湿效果**:含有多种保湿成分,如玻尿酸等,能提供持久的保湿效果,使眼部肌肤水润。

6. **抗氧化**:产品含有抗氧化成分,能够抵御自由基对眼周肌肤的伤害。

7. **易于吸收**:质地清爽,涂抹后不油腻,易于吸收。

8. **适用人群广泛**:适合各种肤质,包括熬夜、过敏者等。

9. **长期使用效果显著**:根据用户反馈,长期使用雅诗兰黛眼部精华,眼部周围的皮肤状态会有明显改善。

10. **安全性高**:雅诗兰黛作为知名护肤品牌,其产品质量和安全性都得到了消费者的认可。



1. **养胃护胃**:南瓜含有丰富的果胶,能够保护胃肠粘膜,避免粗糙食物对肠胃的刺激,促进溃疡愈合,同时还能帮助消化。

2. **降低血糖**:南瓜中的钴元素能促进胰岛素的合成,有助于控制血糖水平,对预防糖尿病有积极作用。

3. **增强免疫**:南瓜含有丰富的多糖、类胡萝卜素、氨基酸和矿物质,能够增强机体免疫力,促进生长发育,并能吸附体内的细菌、毒素等有害物质。

4. **润肠通便**:南瓜中的膳食纤维有助于肠道蠕动,维护肠道微生态,预防肠道感染性疾病。

5. **抗氧化**:南瓜中的胡萝卜素和维生素具有抗氧化作用,有助于保护细胞免受自由基的损害。

6. **促进新陈代谢**:南瓜中的营养元素能加快人体新陈代谢,有助于保持身体健康。

7. **清热利湿**:从中医角度来看,南瓜大米粥有清热利湿、解毒、凉血消肿、除烦止呕的功效。

8. **补充能量**:南瓜和大米都含有丰富的碳水化合物,能够快速为机体提供能量,缓解疲劳。


9. **美容养颜**:南瓜中的营养素对皮肤和指甲健康有益,有助于美容养颜。

10. **适合人群广泛**:南瓜大米粥适合各个年龄段的人群食用,尤其是对于消化系统较为敏感或需要调养的人群更为适宜。



1. **轻盈质地**:露珠滋养精华的质地通常轻薄,易于吸收,不会给肌肤带来负担,特别适合油性或混合性肌肤使用。

2. **滋养成分**:这类精华水通常富含多种植物提取物、维生素、矿物质等滋养成分,能够深层滋养肌肤,补充肌肤所需的水分和营养。


3. **补水保湿**:露珠滋养精华的主要功效之一是补水保湿,能够帮助肌肤保持水润状态,减少干燥和脱皮现象。

4. **抗氧化和抗衰老**:许多露珠滋养精华含有抗氧化成分,如维生素C、维生素E等,能够帮助肌肤抵抗自由基,延缓衰老。


5. **促进吸收**:由于其轻盈的质地,露珠滋养精华能够帮助后续使用的护肤品更好地被肌肤吸收。


– **赫莲娜小露珠精华水**:通过独家的露珠微囊科技,结合精密的水油配比,实现水油平衡,既能补水又能锁水,促进后续护肤品的吸收。

– **fresh馥蕾诗古源系列**:以油养肤,特别适合秋冬季节干燥肌肤,能够滋养肌肤,修护维稳。

– **欧莱雅琉金蜜精华**:兼具精华油功效和水润质地,能够把肌肤泡在水油蜜中,提供全面的保湿修护。

– **希思黎黑玫瑰珍宠滋养精华油**:清爽丝滑,提供抗老功效,能够帮助肌肤恢复活力。



1. **活血暖宫**:红糖具有活血的作用,能够帮助女性改善血液循环,缓解因寒湿引起的月经不调、痛经等问题。

2. **祛风散寒**:生姜具有驱寒、散寒的功效,对于风寒感冒、手脚冰凉等症状有很好的缓解作用。

3. **补气血**:红枣富含多种维生素和微量元素,能够补气养血,对于贫血、面色苍白、体虚乏力有显著改善。

4. **调经止痛**:红糖姜枣膏对于女性经期不适有很好的缓解作用,能够减轻痛经症状。

5. **健脾暖胃**:姜和红枣均有暖胃的作用,对于脾胃虚寒、食欲不振、胃痛等症状有调节作用。

6. **增强免疫力**:红糖姜枣膏中的成分有助于提升身体的免疫力,增强抵抗力。


7. **促进消化**:姜枣膏能够刺激胃液分泌,帮助消化,改善肠胃不适。

8. **抗菌消炎**:生姜和红枣具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,对于轻微的感染有一定的辅助治疗作用。

9. **改善贫血症状**:红糖姜枣膏对于因贫血引起的头晕、头痛等症状有良好的调节作用。

10. **预防感冒**:对于易感冒的人群,适量饮用红糖姜枣膏可以增强体质,预防感冒。



1. **补肾益精**:猪鞭被认为具有补肾壮阳的功效,适用于肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、阳痿、早泄等症状。



2. **驱寒暖身**:猪鞭性温,可以增加人体的热气,驱寒暖身,适合在寒冷天气食用,有助于抵御寒冷。

3. **营养补充**:猪鞭含有蛋白质、钙等多种营养成分,可以补充人体所需的营养,提高机体的抗病能力。

4. **美容养颜**:猪鞭含有丰富的胶原蛋白,可以改善肌肤干燥、皱纹、色斑等问题,对美容养颜有积极作用。

5. **提高免疫力**:猪鞭中的蛋白质有助于维持身体组织和细胞的正常功能,提高免疫力。

6. **改善消化系统**:猪鞭与当归同食可以润肠通便,活血化瘀,调经止痛。

7. **强身健体**:猪鞭有助于强筋骨,增强体力。

8. **辅助治疗**:对于腰痛、尿频、尿不尽、女性宫寒不孕等症状有一定的缓解作用。




1. **驱赶蟑螂**:肥皂中的某些成分能够破坏蟑螂的外骨骼,导致它们失去水分并最终死亡。在家中放置肥皂块,可以有效防止蟑螂进入。

2. **新铝锅底处理**:在铝锅底涂抹肥皂,可以使得之后清洗锅上的黑斑变得容易。

3. **去除霉味和预防虫蛀**:在衣柜或家具中放置肥皂或香皂,可以有效去除霉味并预防虫蛀。

4. **清洁垃圾桶**:使用肥皂水或香皂水清洗垃圾桶,再撒上小苏打,可以有效消除垃圾桶中的异味。


5. **贴壁纸**:在贴壁纸的浆糊中加入肥皂,可以使壁纸粘贴更加牢固。

6. **烫伤止痛**:被水或火烫伤后,在伤口处涂抹肥皂可以起到止痛的效果。

7. **堵煤气泄漏**:如果家中的煤气管发生泄漏,可以用湿肥皂按住泄漏处,暂时阻止煤气泄漏,为修理争取时间。

8. **润滑百叶窗帘拉杆**:在百叶窗帘的拉杆或拉绳上涂抹肥皂,可以使拉动变得轻松自如。

9. **清洗刷子**:将刷子浸泡在肥皂水中,可以轻松清洗。

10. **切割橡胶或皮革**:在刀刃上涂抹肥皂,可以更容易地切割橡胶或皮革。



11. **不锈钢肥皂除臭**:不锈钢肥皂具有分解异味的特性,可以将异味的分子结构分解,还原成无味的状态。


Snow-white butterfly stared at the opposite red-blooded spider and suddenly flapped its wings.

Kaka, Kaka!
A terrible cold current surges, and the red-blooded spider is instantly covered with a layer of frost, which condenses into pieces of ice crystals!
Red-blooded spiders are terrible
Red-blooded spiders run their qi and blood bodies with a loud noise and instantly break free from the frost and shake off the ice all over the floor.
The red-blooded spider glared at the snow-white butterfly and danced along the route, then disappeared into the mine.
Sue ink secretly lose.
I didn’t expect this weak white butterfly to be even more terrible to repel all the red-blooded spiders!
Although the snow-white butterfly has never targeted Su Mo since it appeared.
But the temperature in the whole mining area has been reduced to the extreme!
Bronze Fang Ding can’t stop this chill.
Su Mo trembled with cold and his teeth trembled.
On the other side, there was a noise and people’s clothes fluttered. It seems that many monks have come to the underground and come here.
"The red-blooded spider has fled over there. Go after it!"
"The red-blooded spider’s strength and terror have just recovered to its peak and killed more than 100,000 people. I’m afraid we are no match for him."
"Why don’t you entangle it and stay here as long as possible? The sheriff’s adult is coming with someone himself!"
"Did you disturb the sheriff’s adult?"
"The sheriff’s adult is a true fairy and a strong man. With him in the seat, he will be able to suppress that beast!"
Su Mo Er Li is strong and can hear the distant sound clearly.
Accidents in Yuanling Mine are not common.
Even if you dig up any flesh and blood, there are big cities, fairies, fairies and strong people sitting in the town, which is enough to settle it.
I didn’t expect this Yuanling mine to dig up living creatures!
In this way, even the fairy and the strong can’t hold back!
"There is also a strong life fluctuation here. Come with me!" Just then, a male sink said
The soldiers who came to repair it were divided into two ways, and some of them sensed the movement here and were galloping towards here
Sue ink heart secretly complain.
He has no self-protection in such a situation
It’s like a struggle between fish and shrimp in the tide.
He wants to get out of here as soon as possible, but the snow-white butterfly is in the way. He dare not make a move!
It didn’t take long for several mines to rush out of the road, with hundreds of people.
The first person with a strong breath stepped on the ground, dressed in armor and holding a spear. Just after arrival, he stared at the snow-white butterfly not far away and looked dignified.
Behind this armored man, there are many guards in Ryukyu and Guangcheng.
Although the realm of cultivation is different, they are all strong fairies.
And the real man breath significantly higher than many fairy!
Not surprisingly, this should be the strong fairy in Ryukyu and Guangcheng!
Chapter one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four The beautiful ice butterfly
The spear in the real man’s hand is cold towards the white butterfly.
Behind him, hundreds of fairy strong men rushed towards the snow-white butterfly, and their figure was still in the middle, so they released a dazzling magic weapon!
The vitality in the mine is surging.
Many fairies dare not careless about the release of the great avatar for the first time.
Although it is faced with a seemingly weak butterfly, the armored man did not leave his hand to urge the spear of the Yuan God generate to shine in the sunshine.
The whole mine roared and trembled as if it would collapse in a moment and bury the Ministry of Life!
The magical power of terror explodes!
Su Mo doesn’t know this magical power, but judging from its instantaneous power, it is a peerless magical power!
This person is really a fairy strong!
This level of war, even the aftermath, can hit him hard and even kill him.
But there is no escape route behind him!
Although the town prison tripod can resist the positive impact, after all, there is no top cover to really protect other weeks in the chaotic battlefield
The snow-white butterfly flapped its wings in the middle school.
This pair of little wings fanned out two horrible cold currents visible to the naked eye, and it was white and foggy!
Kaka, Kaka!
The temperature in the whole mine plummeted, and many magic weapons were frozen in the middle with a layer of frost before arrival.
Even many magical secrets are frozen by this cold!
The only supernatural power released by the powerful real man in heaven failed to resolve these two cold current forces.

Fan Wenhu is afraid of death, but his face is worse. At the moment, he is still a humble rabbit demon. It’s really unbearable for his uncle and aunt …

He obviously didn’t recognize this cute but sharp-tongued rabbit, which was not an ordinary rabbit demon, but a false beast who had lived in Shan Hai Jing for more than two thousand years.
After an angry roar, Fan Wenhu jumped high from the ground and threw the drop of blood pike out of his hand.
The blood mist surge pike changed into a gorgeous ferocious python in the middle, and nine niang, who stood in front of Lin Yang, showed ferocious fangs.
At the same time, Fan Wenhu’s figure twisted like a mountain tiger, and he pounced on the wasted bone knife, which was flashing with a new cold mountain and withered yellow bone knife, and grew out of his right arm to meet the wasted huge head. "I didn’t expect you, the fleeing general, to know something about the art of war. I want to entangle a horcrux first and then beat another one thunderously at this time, so I can break one enemy and two risks … It’s a pity that you chose the wrong person. My ghost is not a soft persimmon in your eyes."
In the face of Fan Wenhu’s face, he chopped a knife and raised his hand in a big iron fan after sneering.
In the fierce collision, the osteotome in Fan Wenhu’s hand collided with the big iron fan.
Something unexpected happen at this moment.
Fan Wenhu suddenly leaned forward, but with the help of the osteotome and the big iron fan, the anti-shock force generated by the collision flew in the direction of the entrance to the grave.
Seeing this, everyone froze.
Lin Yang reacted quickly after a brief surprise. "Originally, this Fan Wenhugen didn’t want to fight hard with us, but he made up his mind to escape from the moment he saw nine niang and the old man. Yes, if he showed his intention to escape as soon as he did, he would be stopped by our force. He chose to do the opposite and put on a posture of being provoked and trying hard to let us relax our vigilance, but he took advantage of this opportunity to use the old man’s strength to escape …"
I have to say that Fan Wenhu really knows the art of war and strategy, but his art of war strategy doesn’t seem to be in the right place, but he is running for his life … It’s really worthy of being a general in the history of history. "Leave him and you can’t let him run."
The truth is that Lin Yang doesn’t need to wake up. Everyone reacted after seeing Fan Wenhu flying towards the entrance to the grave.
Nine niang’s nine heads chirped in unison, and a thick blood fog immediately appeared over her figure, burning bloody feathers, and flying out like a fire and rain, the colorful python was burned to ashes and swept away toward Fan Wenhu.
While the ghost sou threw the big iron fan out of his hand in anger.
This iron fan is also a treasure. After flying out, it immediately became as big as a car and took it directly to Fan Wenhu.
Wu Sangui, Wei Zhongxian and other spirits are also blocking the gap of Jiugong prisoners’ ghost symbol array, and at the same time, they have thrown out the symbols and cast their skills to try their best to entangle Fan Wenhu.
It’s a pity that Fan Wenhu ran away so fast that Wu Sangui, Wei Zhongxian and others could not touch his body and naturally delayed and entangled him.
In the blink of an eye, Fan Wenhu rushed to the entrance to the grave.
However, at this time, nine niang’s blood-burning feathers and the big iron fans also drove him away.
"the sea of blood is fluttering"
In the roar, Fan Wenhu’s body and soul burned wildly, and wisps of foul-smelling pungent blood fog emanated from the blood armor of his body. In an instant, a layer around his body was like a sea of blood, in which ghosts screamed, cried and struggled … Whether it was nine niang burning blood feathers or ghosts, big iron fans were blocked by this sea of blood.
Fan Wenhu’s figure is looming in a sea of blood, and he laughs proudly. "Although he was a defeated general when he was old, there were not a few people who killed people and slaughtered the city. My hands are covered with human blood. This sea of blood is a treasure refined by the blood of those people I killed. Tens of millions of people’s hatred and resentment are gathered in this sea of blood. Do you want to break it? Hey hey, that’s impossible. "
Fan Wenhu has great confidence in refining this soul treasure by himself. Unfortunately, this soul treasure can defend and save his life, so he can’t attack and kill the enemy. Otherwise, even if he is faced with two monsters with similar strength, he will be sure to win. He will be able to play the old line of escape again as he is now.
Even Fan Wenhu’s ghost king level strength can’t last long. When he stopped laughing, he turned and walked towards the entrance to the grave.
At this time, a golden light bloomed from Lin Yang’s hand and shot into the blood sea in an instant.
"Seven-star sword?" Fan Wenhu clearly saw that this golden light was not a special treasure, but seven copper coins jumped into the Seven-Star Sword. Suddenly, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked to reveal a disdainful sneer. "This thing may be effective against ordinary ghosts, but it is not enough to deal with me, the ghost king … Hum, even two blows comparable to the devil king’s power were blocked by my blood. What can you do with this Seven-Star Sword?"
His voice just fell and shot out from Lin Yang’s hand, and the Big Dipper sword broke out into a murderous look at the bullfight. "Hey? Competitive murderous look This seven-star sword copper coin is even not simple … But it still doesn’t hit me in a sea of blood … "Fan Wenhu didn’t finish this sentence when he saw that the Big Dipper sword was not blocked out of the sea of blood like a flaming blood feather and a big iron fan, but was blocked from plunging into the sea of blood in a light sound, and came straight at him.
"How is that possible?"
Fan Wenhu suddenly lost his pupil and exclaimed. His tone was full of disbelief.

When the pillar of the soul-killing god was wrapped in the tablet of the Five Emperors, the hell shook instantly. The Five Emperors of GREAT GHOST roared and came towards the paradise of reincarnation to stop the spread of the The six great divisions in the wheel of karma plate.

It is at this moment that the reincarnation force flashes, and The six great divisions in the wheel of karma echoes each other with two different reincarnation forces, and then they come into contact and quickly merge with a new reincarnation force, which is full of washing all souls in the whole hell.
Feeling this new force, the five emperors looked furious and mobilized chaos bead’s power to suppress this reincarnation force and wanted to suppress The six great divisions in the wheel of karma’s power again.
"You Taoist friends will be angry with Heaven, so you Taoist friends will go against the sky!"
At this time, Gao Cai looked before flying directly and said with a smile that the end of the millstone rumbled on the top of his head, and the huge final force was directly in chaos bead.
Will directly block up the power of chaos bead, hands also gently raise the plough complications, boom, a shock, expanding, and in an instant, it blocked Yamaraja, the tenth temple that was about to fly.
"You helped me to get chaos bead in hell on that day, and now the great cause will let hell enter the wild again!"
See this time the central ghost emperor a face of cold drink a way in the eyes with absolute anger in the heart is also annoyed, if not hongyun road flyover closed practice at this time already can make this comfortable day will be humiliated.
"Dear friends, I have to ask you to forgive me!"
Gao Cai’s look is slightly blunt about his identity. This makes the five GREAT GHOST emperors and the ten temples Yamaraja look shocked. I didn’t expect Gao Cai to have this identity and hesitate in my heart.
In this hesitation, the whole hell shook with a jerk, and the rebirth force has filled the whole hell. The broken The six great divisions in the wheel of karma disk roared and melted into the depths of the hell, The six great divisions in the wheel of karma
Xuan Hu’s figure also flies in the virtual space, slowly mobilizing the new reincarnation force, and re-forging the soul and transforming the soul body in this new reincarnation force.
Seeing that uncooked rice has become a mature rice, Yamaraja, the Emperor of GREAT GHOST and the Temple of Ten, also knows that the law has blocked this comfortable day from intervening in the underworld.
When Nai said, "We would like to congratulate Daoyou on your success!"
"You Taoist friends don’t have to be so involved in everything, and you will never interfere in everything!"
At this time, Gao Cai is not disdainful. He said before putting a low profile.
"Hell has made friends return to their places without delay to gain merit!"
Feel the new cycle of hell power spread Gao Cai a shock in the heart and said
The five emperors of GREAT GHOST and the ten halls of Yamaraja are also white, and the situation looks like a shock. They immediately return to their posts and know that now is the opportunity to gain merits and demerits.
When they returned to their posts in succession, all the staff in the hell also carried out many matters in the hell.
With the return of many people in the underworld, the new reincarnation forces are quickly combined into a reincarnation disk, and The six great divisions in the wheel of karma, deep in the underworld, rumbles as hard as he can into this reincarnation disk.
Gradually, this huge reincarnation disk oscillated and poured out of the hell, expanding in the universe and gradually filling the world.
At this moment, all the creatures in the universe saw a huge roulette wheel filling the mind of the universe, and suddenly they realized that they had found a home, and some creatures in the universe also found their spiritual home.
All the wandering souls in heaven and earth also melted into the sky, and the streamer disappeared into the virtual giant wheel and disappeared into the hell.
I feel that everything is getting better in the wild, and some practitioners and ordinary creatures have realized the path of life and death, knowing the path of immortality and pursuing immortality.
This also enlightened the cultivation of the Tao in the wild. Since then, many great magical powers in the wild can justify teaching in the Tao.
The enlightenment of the underworld has also made many creatures in heaven and earth realize the great horror of life and death, which will also make the adherents of the great wilderness and the great magical powers of the great wilderness compete for resources and practitioners to win the battle of legal system
From then on, Buddhism, Taoism, evil spirits and witches will all be on the stage of the flood and drought.
As soon as the underworld was established, the heaven rumbled and shook, and the broken heaven was restored, which also oppressed Hung-chun.
But there is also a cause and effect in this place, and the heaven has also been strengthened, and it is also possible to fight for it and continue to be suppressed
When all the creatures in heaven and earth realize the way of life and death and many great magical powers are ready to go, Gao Cai and the people in the underworld also look forward to waiting until the merits of the universe come.
A moment later, the heavens and the earth will be shocked to the death, and they will fall into the five great emperors and ten halls in the underworld. The number of netherworlds in Yamaraja’s underworld have gained merits through their own positions and contributions.
A huge merit also landed on Gao Cai’s head. Looking at this merit, Gao Cai directly submerged it in six clean bamboos. As this merit entered six clean bamboos, a little golden halo suddenly flashed.
I have already placed my trust in the good resin, and I will make the high school prepare to refine six clean bamboos into a merit treasure in the future.
These six clean bamboos are innate spiritual roots, which can make people feel peaceful. If they can be integrated with more merits, they can become a powerful merit treasure.
Looking at the six clean bamboos, Gao Cai flashed a trace of satisfaction, and then gently moved into the promised land of reincarnation to put away the five holy monuments.
Look up at the The six great divisions in the wheel of karma plate full of heaven and earth and the souls pouring into the universe.
The whole hell is really running at this moment, and many creatures, including the adherents of the wilderness, feel that a mysterious breath is skipped from the body and the Yuan God before they reach the quasi-holy master.
These mysterious breath slowly into the hell combined into a dark as ink.
This new universe is slowly taking shape at this time.
But many masters in the underworld are involved in refining the Xuanhuang Merit Law at this time, and it is also their own chance to get a ghost.
At this time, Gao Cai is waiting for the world to take shape. This moment is also the most dangerous time. Buddhist doors and other forces will come to snatch them.
Gao Cai gently put an end to the millstone in his hand, and the whole millstone was split into two parts by a shock, which enveloped the ghost-shaped local part.

First of all, Yang Guang’s wealth value has decreased by 70 million from more than 190 million to the current 120 million.

But this money is worth it.
What you give is what you get!
Among them, 7,000 Wan Li Yang Guangqian’s impact on the last meridian of the military commander consumed 30 million wealth, leaving 40 million money spent in various aspects just upgraded.
Zijin Qi behind Tongmai means that Yang Guang’s Qi quality is super awesome now.
And the spirit and agility have increased too much.
In particular, the active skill 【 short distance teleport 】 has become 【 medium distance teleport 】.
Is this thing good or not? Yang Guang has the most experience.
If you didn’t have this teleport skill in the past, you might have to pass by Jack nife Zongdao Daocheng. Maybe this so-called skill should be like hermetic?
For example, the knife slave controls the delivery
There was a so-called array sending method when he was a knife slave, but he simply sent it after he became a normal form.
But Yang Guang didn’t ask. On the contrary, he knew that it wasn’t something he could access now.
The spiritual attribute so far Yang Guang also feels that there is still a little bit of life and death fighting, but he thinks it is far from possible to have this function.
Think of it as enhancing your appearance rate at present.
After all, a lot of things are not there.
It’s impossible for Goldfinger to give him a whole thing, right?
Then the intermediate martial arts flame knife method has been activated, which is the first time that Yang Guang got the martial arts from Golden Finger knife method.
He also deliberately consumed some wealth, and his proficiency reached a small level, which could increase the fighting capacity by 25%.
Besides, this thing is not upgradeable like other martial arts.