
### 营养价值
1. **高蛋白质**:帝王蟹肉中含有丰富的蛋白质,每100克蟹肉中含有约19.2克蛋白质,对于增强体质、促进肌肉生长具有积极作用。


2. **低脂肪**:帝王蟹的脂肪含量相对较低,每100克蟹肉中含有约1.5克脂肪,适合需要控制体重的人群食用。
3. **胆固醇含量**:帝王蟹的胆固醇含量适中,每100克蟹肉中含有约53毫克胆固醇,适量食用不会对健康造成负面影响。
4. **不饱和脂肪酸**:帝王蟹含有一定量的不饱和脂肪酸(Omega-3),有助于心血管健康。
5. **微量元素**:帝王蟹中含有多种微量元素,如钙、磷、铁等,对骨骼和血液系统有益。
6. **热量**:每100克帝王蟹的热量约为97千卡,属于中等热量食物。

### 功效与作用
1. **滋补作用**:帝王蟹性寒,味咸,具有清热解毒、补骨添髓、养筋活血等功效,适合体质虚弱的人群食用。
2. **抗结核作用**:研究表明,螃蟹具有一定的抗结核作用,对于结核病的康复有一定的补益效果。


3. **治疗跌打损伤**:帝王蟹对于跌打损伤、筋伤骨折有一定的食疗效果。


4. **改善皮肤状况**:帝王蟹中的微量元素有助于改善皮肤状况,如过敏性皮炎。
5. **心血管健康**:帝王蟹中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于降低心血管疾病的风险。
6. **癌症预防**:帝王蟹对于高血压、动脉硬化、脑血栓、高血脂及各种癌症有较好的疗效。
7. **缓解关节疼痛**:对于淤血、损伤、黄疸、腰腿酸痛和风湿性关节炎等疾病有一定的食疗效果。

### 注意事项
1. **伤风发热者**:患有伤风、发热、胃痛以及腹泻的病人不宜食用帝王蟹。
2. **消化道疾病患者**:消化道炎症或溃疡、胆囊炎、胆结石症、肝炎活动期的人应慎食帝王蟹。
3. **心血管疾病患者**:冠心病、高血压、动脉硬化、高血脂的人应少吃或不吃蟹黄。




1. **发汗解热**:荆芥草可以促进人体出汗,帮助调节体温,对于治疗感冒、头痛、寒热等症状有显著效果。

2. **祛风镇痰**:荆芥草具有祛风的作用,可以用来治疗因风邪引起的头痛、抽搐等症状,同时也能镇痰,对咳嗽、痰多有一定的缓解作用。

3. **凉血止血**:荆芥草对于治疗因血热引起的症状,如妇女的崩漏等有很好的效果,同时也能止血,适用于治疗便血、流鼻血等出血症状。


4. **抗炎镇痛**:荆芥草具有一定的抗炎和镇痛作用,可用于治疗一些炎症性疾病和疼痛症状。

5. **抗过敏**:荆芥草中含有抗过敏成分,可以用来治疗过敏性皮炎、荨麻疹、皮肤瘙痒等皮肤过敏性免疫疾病。

6. **治疗麻疹**:荆芥草具有宣毒透疹的作用,常与薄荷、蝉衣等药物配合使用,帮助麻疹顺利透发。

7. **治疗疮毒**:荆芥草对于疮毒初起伴有表证者有很好的治疗效果。


8. **解痉作用**:荆芥草能够解除痉挛,对口舌干燥、抽筋等症状有一定的改善作用。

9. **安神作用**:荆芥草泡水饮用,有助于改善神经衰弱、睡眠障碍等症状。



1. **健脾养胃**:山药具有健脾养胃的功效,能够增强脾胃功能,对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、消化不良等症状有很好的改善作用。

2. **滋补肝肾**:枸杞子被誉为“补肾圣药”,具有滋补肝肾的作用,适用于肝肾阴虚、腰膝酸软、视物模糊等症状。

3. **养血补气**:山药和枸杞都有养血补气的功效,能够增强体力,改善气血两虚、面色苍白等症状。

4. **抗疲劳**:山药枸杞组合有助于缓解疲劳,提高工作效率,恢复体力。

5. **美容养颜**:山药和枸杞都含有多种营养成分,如多糖、维生素E等,有助于延缓衰老,改善皮肤弹性,达到美容养颜的效果。

6. **调节血糖**:山药具有一定的降血糖作用,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

7. **降脂抗肿瘤**:山药和枸杞都有一定的降脂和抗肿瘤作用,有助于预防心血管疾病和癌症。

8. **增强免疫力**:山药和枸杞组合能够增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力,预防疾病。

9. **改善睡眠**:山药和枸杞都有助于改善睡眠质量,对于失眠多梦、睡眠质量差等问题有一定的缓解作用。


10. **适用于特定人群**:山药枸杞组合特别适合女性更年期期间食用,有助于缓解更年期综合症。



1. **增强免疫力**:大葱含有丰富的维生素C,这种营养素能够增强人体免疫力,促进伤口愈合,并预防感冒等疾病。

2. **促进骨骼发育**:大葱含有钙、铁、锌等多种矿物质,这些矿物质对人体的骨骼发育和健康维护至关重要。


3. **抗菌作用**:大葱中含有丰富的硫化物,这种物质能够抑制细菌的生长,从而预防感染和疾病的发生。

4. **降低血脂**:大葱中的硫化物还能降低血液中的胆固醇和三酰甘油含量,有助于预防心血管疾病。

5. **促进消化**:大葱中的纤维素可以促进肠道蠕动,帮助消化和排便,对改善便秘有一定的作用。

6. **壮阳补阴**:大葱中的维生素能保证人体激素正常分泌,对改善性欲有积极作用,有助于壮阳补阴。

7. **解毒调味**:大葱味辛,性微温,具有发表通阳、解毒调味的作用,适用于风寒感冒、阴寒腹痛等症状。

8. **预防癌症**:大葱中的果胶和蒜辣素等成分,可以减少结肠癌的发生,抑制癌细胞生长,降低胃液中的亚硝酸盐含量,对预防胃癌及多种癌症有一定作用。

9. **发汗抑菌**:大葱能刺激身体汗腺,达到发汗散热的效果,同时葱油能刺激上呼吸道,使黏痰易于咳出,具有明显的抑菌作用。

10. **舒张血管**:大葱富含维生素C,能舒张小血管,促进血液循环,防止血压升高。



1. **清热解毒**:豆根性味苦寒,归肺、胃经,具有很好的清热解毒功效。它能够清除体内的热毒,对于治疗热病、感冒发热等症状有很好的效果。

2. **消肿利咽**:豆根能够有效消肿,对于咽喉肿痛、牙龈肿痛等症有显著的缓解作用。它能够利咽,适用于治疗因热毒蕴结引起的咽喉肿痛。

3. **祛风活络**:豆根具有祛风活络的作用,适用于治疗风湿痹痛、跌打损伤等症。


4. **抗菌消炎**:豆根中含有苦参碱等成分,具有一定的抗炎效果,可以提高毛细血管的通透性,对肿胀有一定的缓解作用。

5. **健胃消食**:豆根能够促进肠胃分泌胃液,增强肠胃蠕动性,有助于消化,对胃病发作的疼痛感有缓解作用。

6. **提高免疫能力**:豆根能够增强吞噬细胞的吞噬功能,提高身体的免疫能力,使抗病毒能力更强。

7. **补充元气**:豆根还有补充元气的功效,有助于恢复体力,增强体质。


8. **其他作用**:豆根还具有一定的抗肿瘤作用,对于一些病毒性疾病如感冒、肝炎等有一定的预防作用。



– **适宜人群**:适用于咽喉肿痛、牙龈肿痛、跌打损伤、风湿痹痛等人群。
– **禁忌人群**:孕妇、婴幼儿、过敏体质等人群不宜使用。
– **用量**:内服时,一般用量为3-5克,煎汤内服或泡茶饮用。
– **不宜同用**:不宜与螃蟹、生姜、辣椒、花椒等食物同食。



1. **健脾胃**:薏米和糯米都具有健脾养胃的作用,对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、消化不良等问题有缓解作用。

2. **利尿祛湿**:薏米性凉,有利水渗湿的功效,可以排出体内多余的水分,对于体内湿气重、水肿等情况有改善作用。

3. **清热解毒**:薏米还具有清热排脓的功效,对于体内有热毒积聚、皮肤问题如青春痘、湿疹等有辅助治疗作用。

4. **补中益气**:糯米含有丰富的淀粉、蛋白质、脂肪、钙、磷、铁等营养成分,有补中益气的作用,适合体弱者食用。

5. **减肥瘦身**:红豆和薏米都有助于排除体内多余的水分,对减肥瘦身有一定的辅助效果。

6. **美容养颜**:薏米和红豆都有助于改善肌肤状况,有助于祛斑、除痘,对于美容养颜有积极作用。


7. **改善便秘**:薏米和糯米中的膳食纤维可以促进肠胃蠕动,有助于改善便秘症状。

8. **补气血**:红豆含有丰富的铁质,有助于补血,对于气血不足、脸色苍白等症状有改善作用。

9. **补肾精**:薏米和红豆也有一定的补肾作用,可以滋阴固肾,生精。

10. **易消化吸收**:薏米和糯米都易于消化,适合老人和小孩食用。


"Isn’t it the array method … thirty-six days of the highest plough sword array!"

Lin Buchou pointed to the sky with a red cloud like blood. Thirty-six seven-star swords fell from the sky. Thirty-five brothers of Shushan lost their souls. A head of Shushan lost their souls. Thirty-six stone pillars were nailed into the tide of God.
But see Qingyun suddenly appeared and put a picture scroll in his hand to collect the whole 36-day plough sword array.
Grass! Lin gave a bad scolding.
"I’ll do it!" Little tiger is like a counter-current hongyun to meet the hundreds of heavenly generals and magic soldiers …
A peerless war broke out.
Chapter one hundred and sixty-one Surlimit War
Three days later
This land in the center of the official road seems to have encountered strange natural disasters.
Fiona Fang hundreds of miles of those crops and fields are covered with branches and leaves, even if the rain is enough, it can’t be poured back. It seems that full of green’s vitality was taken away by a plague.
If you are a monk, your feelings will be more profound. The Fiona Fang’s thousand-mile range, especially the core hundred miles, is like a blind alley, and a huge amount of heaven and earth have been consumed, forming a short-lived death.
In the world where the universe dominates everything, although there seems to be no change on the surface, there is no’ life’ here.
A white crane fluttered from the sky
After landing on the ground, the old man Bai Hu looked like Lin Chong and climbed up from the crane.
Looking around, Lin chong couldn’t see anything unusual here. He didn’t have a brainwave or a practitioner.
During the war between Lin Bu and the celestial immortal Zong Qi, the communication was interrupted with the help of the Eye of Heaven, and the eye of the law was not laid here. With the help of the water mirror, I couldn’t see the dream. Second, the subsequent changes in Fetion were very intense, and I couldn’t connect the tiger anymore.
Suo Linchong didn’t know what happened later.
But obviously, there is no trace of forest here, and there is also a small tiger figure
In the vast wilderness, the wind is high and the wind is low. Lin Chong’s white robe is flying in the wind, but his mood is constantly falling to the bottom.
Suddenly, Lin Chong was touched. He squatted in the dust and saw a drop of blood.
The drop of blood was not painted on the ground, but round, glittering and translucent, full of life characteristics, and there was a small hole on its side as if it had climbed out of the bottom of the hole.
Look at this drop of blood carefully. There is a layer of black net as dense as strokes. It is the black net that pulls this drop of blood out of the ground. At this moment, the black net suddenly has to be woven into an eye shape and looked at Lin Chong with a wink.
"Ha ~" Lin suddenly laughed.
You’re not dead!
You are the most immortal in the world. How could you die so easily?
Lin Chong grabbed the drop of blood and rode the crane. Instead of going straight to Kunlun Mountain, he flew thousands of miles east until the dharma body dispersed and there was another dharma body relay.
It took seven days to make sure that there was no tracker behind it, so that a Dongfeng mushroom controlled a mouse to take this drop of blood back to Kunlun Mountain together with Lin.
74 immediately tried to connect the forest.
Even now, it is still a way to find Lin Biao through agreement to take Lin Biao back to Kunlun Mountain 74 after Team Eye lost the signal of Lin Biao in the battle.
Lin Zhou, on the other hand, can make simple expressions like losing some functions, and can’t turn into the original human form or make information communication.
Finally, Lin Chong wears the latest virtual helmet and enters Buzhoushan, and Lin Buzhoushen is attached to Lin Chong. Only through the incarnation can Lin Buzhoushan’s figure be revealed in the virtual world of Buzhoushan.
Lin Buchoucai just logged in and received a huge amount of information and data. Fortunately, after ten years of development, the operating ability of Zhoushan data has remained at the peak of Spring Festival travel rush for ten times all the year round, and these data have been picked up.
"It was the battle scene of the day" 74 told Lin Chong.
After a simple analysis of the scene, several key points are obtained. First, the siege of the day was a celestial fairy Sect, which should have nearly 100 practitioners, including more than 10 gods and more than 100 Yuan Ying Jin Dan;
Second, these people were hacked to death by Lin and Xiaohu for nearly half a day, and the immortal Sect was greatly weakened;
Third, the little tiger has been in the sun, and the drop of blood should have been left by the little tiger. Lin Chong already knew that Li Junyan and Xiaohu recognized him when he took the drop of blood back to Kunlun, which was caused by blood nerves.
Blood nerve in Yang Shen’s realm can make the practitioner drop blood and regenerate.
Fourth, at the last moment, the heavenly soldiers of Wanxian array will break through Mahayana’s leisure time, and they will crush the small tiger’s body and smash the surface of the small tiger. It is to escape the soul into the final guardian of the small tiger’s fortune-telling bead and flee to the sky.
Actually, the little tiger left a drop of reborn blood and hid it in the ground according to Lin’s instructions.
If the forest is not good, the fairy can escape completely
However, in order to protect the little tiger’s rebirth, he forced the butterfly to make it two-dimensional, and the little tiger’s blood seemed tiny, but it contained the essence of life of the Yuan God practitioner’s department.
Lin Zhou lost a lot of seeds in a big war. Without seeds, he hid the little tiger in his body and forced it to be two-dimensional.
This is like an overloaded CPU that finally makes Lin Zhou lose some functions-
First of all, the butterfly has lost its ability to change after poor deforestation.

There were bursts of exclamations from the stands, and it seemed that many viewers were stunned by this scene, and even more vaguely heard someone talking about it.

Qin Changfeng’s facial expression appeared in his hand at the same time when the mechanic started, and then an arrow shot out towards the front.
When the mecha is near this period, it is his only advantage. Every second is more precious.
In the face of this arrow, I saw that the original forward mecha tilted slightly to the left, and then the whole body dumped to the left and front like a tumbler, and then made a semicircle, and then instantly bounced up and stood upright again. In the process, his steps kept moving forward without slowing down at all.
This is obviously the skill of the other side, but it is released through the mecha, which makes people feel incredible.
However, the wanton natural and unrestrained movement of the eggs did not escape Qin Changfeng’s shooting of light arrows, because the flight speed was too fast, and the arrow was already shot in the chest in the middle of the mecha slide.
"It shows that the unknown experimenter’s dark armor attacks 593 points in your flying arrow, and the other party triggers heavy armor to reduce the damage. The attack damage is reduced by 15%, and the mecha defense value is reduced by 25. Your attack finally reduces the durability of the night mecha by 254 points."
After seeing Qin Changfeng’s eyelids shaking severely, his armor was reduced by 15% and his defense was as high as 25 points … He instantly realized that this mecha not only attacked terror after close combat, but even defense was so amazing.
The durability of a steel mecha will obviously far exceed the life limit of an elite private tester.
The mechanic himself hid himself in such a steel monster, but he wouldn’t have been hurt if he hadn’t broken the mecha. However, how many people in the low-level testers can be flesh and blood and steel mecha?
Not the kui is a dozen world monsters ground on the first floor!
Qin Changfeng lose more than immediately with the existing information rapid thinking to battle plan …
At the same time, he didn’t know that the mechanic’s face sitting in the mecha’s cab also showed surprise. The basic skill hit 593 points of attack … This is the most outrageous one he encountered among the low-level testers.
2 meters away, the dark armor is getting faster and faster, and it takes about 7 seconds to reach Qin Changfeng.
During this period, Qin Changfeng tried his best to shoot flying arrows while thinking. Finally, he added the first arrow and shot a total of seven arrows, but five of them hit the target mechanic. The combat experience was so strong that it was horrible. After being familiar with the trajectory and speed of flying arrows, he actually escaped two arrows by virtue of anticipation and cooling.
And hit five arrows knocked out a total of 1267 durability of dark mecha, but look at the mecha still crazy speed seems to have not been affected at all.
At the same time, five arrows didn’t trigger crit Qin Changfeng. Now, the method is used to judge whether this steel mecha has a fatal weakness … These five arrows are deliberately shot at the head mask of the mecha in Qin Changfeng, but there is no other success except for a slight crack in the mask.
This time armor has come to Qin Changfeng front tall figure will he shrouded mechanical right arm has been holding a laser scalpel raised high …
Hide or not hide?
This question has arisen in all people’s hearts. It is obvious that it is not a good idea for Qin Changfeng’s flesh and blood to confront the mecha’s steel body, but the mecha’s speed is very fast. If it can’t exceed its speed, it will not be able to hide for a while.
Finally, Qin Changfeng didn’t move the golden Buddha, reduced the magic power by level 3 and started the soft defense. Then his left hand was in front of him and his right hand was holding the phantom crossbow. The phantom combo started … Taking advantage of this close opportunity, two light arrows were almost shot against the mecha’s face and then blasted into the head mask …
Chapter one hundred and thirty The way of victory
Face-to-face, close at hand, real fighting erupts instantly!
The outcome is also announced in a flash!
In the right hand laser scalpel cut to Qin Changfeng at the same time dark mecha left hand unexpectedly also suddenly appeared a laser scalpel!
Bang …
At this moment, the whole Colosseum was followed by an earth-shattering discussion and roar.
Winner-dark armor!
Rumby, six knives a second, twelve knives with both hands!
"It means that you are attacked by the luminous mecha, and the opponent attacks by 25 points. The damage is deepened. Every time you hit the target, you will increase the damage of an attack by 37 points. The effect lasts for one second. The opponent’s attack has special effects. Every time you hit the enemy, you will cause an additional 6 points of crushing damage to the visual defense!"
"Show your skill, King Kong protector, take the initiative to reduce the damage by 2%, and launch the crushing damage confrontation judgment … The confrontation result shows that if King Kong protector wins, all the damage you suffer will be reduced by 2%."
"Show you the gold-based defense effect, launch the crushing damage effect, in the confrontation judgment … the confrontation result, the gold-based defense wins."
"It means that after deducting 233 points of defense and damage reduction effects, you get 3 points of real damage."
"It means that you are attacked by luminous mecha, and the other party attacks by 25 points. The other party’s energy is accompanied by special effects-the damage is deepened … After deducting the damage reduction effect and 263 points of defense, you finally get real damage by 3 points."
"It shows that you are attacked by the luminous mecha, and 475 points trigger twice the crit of the opponent’s energy with special effects-damage deepening … after deducting the damage reduction effect and 263 points of defense, you finally get 37 points of real damage."
⑧ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ 931
"It means that you are attacked by the luminous mecha, and the other party attacks by 55 points. The other party’s energy is accompanied by special effects-the damage is deepened … After deducting the damage reduction effect and 263 points of defense, you finally get real damage by 29 points."
A dozen signs in a row appeared in the log almost instantaneously. Qin Changfeng suffered 12 knives and two crits in one second and was instantly knocked out by 135 points of life!
You know, this is the case when he started King Kong’s body protection skill, and all the damage was reduced by 2%. Otherwise, if it was when King Kong’s indestructible magic was still on the second floor, even if he started the golden Buddha to reduce his magic, he would now be in extreme danger.
After breaking through the basic energy limit, the damage will deepen. It is very likely that the crushing damage ability obtained after the basic ability level 5 will make the tester in front of him explode the most horrible damage even in the simplest attack!
Not the kui is in the first layer of bitter endure ten monsters in the world!
Qin Changfeng once again felt that at this time, more people looked at himself dumbfounded and then said, "Am I not mistaken that someone actually held the mechanic for twelve knives a second?"
"A newly promoted sergeant … is a freak! Simon bitch where to find such a monster … "
"But after all, it’s still not as good as the mechanic, but the result is no suspense."
At this time, Qin Changfeng’s half-lying body is criss-crossed with raw skin and knife marks. Although they are all superficial injuries, the bloody sample looks really miserable.
Everyone thought he was in a state of near death, and the mechanic didn’t seem to doubt it
After all, a newly promoted petty officer can’t exceed 15 points in normal life even if he adds 3 points of petty officer badge, but it’s perfectly normal for Qin Changfeng to enter a dying state after just losing more than 13 points of life instantly.
The mechanic overlooks the dark light armor, making a cold sound, overlooking Qin Changfeng, and at the same time holding a laser scalpel in his right hand, raising it high again to completely end the battle.
"Which have so fast? The real battle is just now! "
Qin Changfeng’s maximum health is 24 points after the magic is lifted and lowered! Even now, there are more than 11 points left … In just a few seconds, with the recovery speed of 11 points per second, he has recovered and will do 6 points of life.
Qin Changfeng suddenly got up when the laser scalpel fell instantly and squatted on the ground. His right hand raised a heavy arrow and stuck it to the mecha alongside of.seem. Once again, he blasted off the mecha for more than 2 points of durability and started the phase dash at the same time. He rushed behind the dark mecha in a series of knife lights.
The attack mechanic instantly controlled the mecha to turn around and spit out the blue flame, and then suddenly rushed to Qin Changfeng at a speed of more than 5 m/s. After approaching, the huge body of the mecha fell to the left front side than the flexible posture, while the right hand laser scalpel drew a knife and cut it horizontally.
Rush+slide+one second … Six knives!
Six knives a second!
This time, the mecha division didn’t use the stunt of twelve knives for one second. Does this mean that the outbreak of both hands at the same time will also cause considerable burden to him or the mecha?
Bless the necklace, the phantom moon shadow starts!
An identical doppelganger instantly appeared at Qin Changfeng’s side, and the unexpected part of the dark armor was cut in the doppelganger. At the same time, Qin Changfeng’s light arrow hit the mecha again and knocked off 25 points of durability, but it failed to hit the face armor.

What is not a dead wolf? After all, bloodthirsty werewolves are human beings!

Generally, if you are seriously injured, you can be treated by your peers. If you can’t come back, you can die. There is another kind of injured person who can choose to go back to the main city for treatment, but at least this time the "battle" is over.
Before fleeing Langyapo, the words will definitely be looked down upon by peers and recorded.
If you don’t want to be a deserter, you can wait, or wait for the time to pass or die.
However, at this time, the young man glanced at a body that fell in front of him. He grinned, but he still did not limit himself to reckless behavior after involving the wound.
He knew that his life was numbered.
It’s a pity that he can’t confess to the girl he likes. After all, he succeeded in being alone all his life.
Even if it is a short life.
This young man’s name is Shi Diyin. There are a small number of people in the west who give their surnames. "Shi" is not only the surname, but also your surname. Because of the surname, the general status is relatively high. More importantly, it is too powerful to explain the ancestors in the west.
It’s also because the bodhi old zu of Buddhism is here that he is not exterminated.
To be honest, Shi Di really wants to live, but this idea can’t be realized. Even if a relative finds out and is willing to help him, it’s gone unless the bodhi old zu of Shi Jia helps him to continue his life.
Shi Di, he is not dead yet, that is, because he is not dead yet. It can be said that it is a blip, or that God is torturing him and making him unhappy to die.
At this time, he was a little envious of the blood wolf who died at his hands. At least, the other party died happily, instead of waiting for his own death. It was too uncomfortable.
It’s worse than death
That kind of force makes people despair.
Death is not terrible sometimes, but life is worse than death.
"If only someone … would end my life," he murmured softly and spat out a mouthful of stuffy blood.
"Cough, cough, cough" This vomiting blood not only involved him in the wound, but also caused him to cough several times because of his shortness of breath.
But the more he coughed, the more painful he became.
A lot of blood gushed out over the hand covering the wound.
"ah!" Shi Di wanted to shout, but he had no strength to cut himself with a knife.
But at this time, a human wearing a dovetail came out from the shade of trees.
Chapter two hundred Death desire
Shi Di saw that the bearer was dressed as a Western native, even though he didn’t know each other, but he wanted to die, so he exhausted his strength and shouted "Kill me" at the bearer.
It’s a desire for death
Instead of a desire to survive, Shi Di had no courage to live.
No, he has no chance to live.
"I didn’t expect anyone to die." The bearer sighed and then slowly raised his head to reveal a young and delicate face.
It is reasonable to say that people of this age should be worried about staying at home and playing, but they appear in this kind of fighting battlefield, but the problem is that the natives in the west of Langyapo are almost all young people.
What grew up so cruel? Shouldn’t they be protected? Although this is a trial site, it is also a battlefield of life and death!
But these things are not for the time being.
The person who appeared in front of Shi Di was Yang Guang, who saw Shi Di fighting with a blood wolf in a few minutes. Both of them were seriously injured, but Shi Di found the opportunity to fight against the Jedi.
And Yang Guang has once again seen the western natives as a killer "blasting flow", but this time Shi Di came to a blow and killed it. That powerful airflow directly penetrated into a big hole in the abdomen of the blood wolf, and he couldn’t die again.
However, this assassin’s mace is a move of "injuring one thousand enemies and losing a hundred". Naturally, Shi Di also paid a price. That is, the blood wolf stabbed Shi Di’s liver with a sharp bone spur before Shi Di, and the aftermath also hit Shi Di’s heart.
Of course, Shi Di also took this opportunity to kill the blood wolf. The face-to-face power of the blasting stream was terrible. The blood wolf didn’t even have a chance to resist.
If Yang Guang had made moves at that time, Shi Di could have been saved.
Not only can you save Shi Di, but you can also kill the blood wolf.
But instead of saving lives, he still hid behind the shade and watched this scene happen, which was like watching a real person at close range.
It can be said that Yang Guang is cold-blooded, and he is hesitating.
To save or not to save?

The so-called true element is actually the excessive amount of true qi, which leads to the formation of Yuan Night, that is, the true qi transforming liquid.

As you can imagine, the true qi of a body is so rich that it changes from a gas to a liquid. The true qi is a small amount of gas, but it is really a liquid, just like having a refueling machine.
Some Wu Zongti’s true elements are small pools, and some are water towers, the number of which is far more than the true qi, and they can quickly restore the true elements by relying on the aura of heaven and earth.
What Wu Zong can fly?
That is, because there is too much body energy, it is enough to support one’s own flight energy. More importantly, it can achieve Wuzong dialect and actively draw on the vitality of heaven and earth to supplement one’s body consumption.
And Yang Guang just broke through since the effect is not only that.
Yang Guang’s scruples are that if he succeeds in attacking Wu Zong, he will form a horrible atmosphere in an instant, which will make the whole aura around Mount Tuo fluctuate.
And those Wu Zong levels are quite sensitive to the so-called aura of heaven and earth, so they will have another one in this world.
However, even Yang Guang is still absorbing a lot of heaven and earth reiki in the law to wash his body, stimulate his body and eliminate impurities that seem to be absent.
Yang guang’s doing this can make some nearby creatures feel uncomfortable, especially the weird monster beast class is crawling on the ground and dare not have the idea of resistance.
What’s more, there is a great power that comes from soul suppression and spreads around.
Suddenly the birds were frightened and the beasts ran.
If it weren’t for Yang Guang’s staying in the law, this effect would be even more obvious.
The ghost soldier who occupied the Tiger Cave before now has a feeling of being stunned because he is closest to Yang Guang.
However, this great power comes and goes quickly, and Yang Guang can also feel that the true qi of the body is occupied by a small rub, which occupies most of the "territory".
After a while, we will definitely meet to replace the true qi.
Generally, Yang Guang will look at some changes in self-fighting.
But now he doesn’t have this idea, but continues to refine bones.
If he wants to do it, he will be the strongest king
In the monster beast, Wu Zong is the demon king, while human fighters are Wu Zong.
But Yang Guang wants to be the king of Wu Zong, so that’s the king of Wu?
Yang Guang, who has just refined a limb bone, can’t be proud and has no qualification to be proud. All this is due to his golden finger except a small part.
It’s far from that point where he can despise the crowd.
Then Yang Guang refined the remaining 125 limbs.
If it is a general martial arts school, it may take tens of days or hundreds of days to refine a limb bone, and it also needs a lot of resources to do it.
But this kind of thing is a bit simple for Yang Guang.
Krypton will be over!
For other Wu Zong, it is like 126 limbs in the natural moat, and he refined them one by one, and it took only two days.
But Yang Guang’s wealth value still doesn’t show the specific amount, but Yang Guang knows in his heart that he has consumed a huge sum of wealth value.
What, two days? Naturally, it is because he needs a certain time to buffer.
Even krypton is needed.
His health is too much for him.
He’s not a game character. He can feel pain.
The peak of junior Wu Zong is also a small goal for Yang Guang, and then he will target the trunk bone of intermediate Wu Zong.