
### 药效

1. **退热除蒸**:枸杞根性甘、寒,有清润之效,能清除肝肾虚热,对阴虚发热、盗汗骨蒸、肌瘦潮热等病症有显著的疗效。

2. **凉血止血**:枸杞根能凉血止血,适用于治疗因血热妄行引起的吐血、衄血、尿血等出血症状。


3. **清泄肺热**:对于肺火郁结和肺热肺燥引起的咳嗽气喘、皮肤蒸热等症状,枸杞根有明显的调理作用。

4. **提高免疫力**:枸杞根含有丰富的营养成分,可以提高免疫力,增强机体的抗病能力。

5. **滋阴补肾**:枸杞根性寒,味甘,有滋阴补肾之效,适用于肾虚腰酸背痛的患者。

### 应用

1. **阴虚发热**:可用于阴虚发热、盗汗骨蒸等症状的治疗,常与知母、鳖甲、银柴胡等药物配伍。

2. **血热妄行**:对于吐血、衄血、尿血等出血症状,可单独使用或与白茅根、侧柏叶等药物配伍。

3. **肺火郁结**:对肺火郁结、咳嗽气喘等症状,可与桑白皮、甘草等药物同用。

4. **肾虚腰酸背痛**:对于肾虚引起的腰酸背痛,常与杜仲、牛膝等药物配伍。

5. **提高免疫力**:作为日常保健,可单独泡水饮用。


### 注意事项

– 枸杞根性寒,脾胃虚寒者应慎用。
– 使用枸杞根时,应遵循中医的辨证施治原则,根据个人体质和病情选择合适的剂量和配伍。
– 枸杞根泡水饮用时,最好选用新鲜枸杞根,并注意保存,避免变质。



1. **活血化瘀**:桃仁性味苦、甘、平,归心肝大肠经,具有活血祛瘀的功效。它能有效缓解因瘀血阻滞引起的多种病症,如闭经、痛经、产后腹痛等。


2. **润肠通便**:桃仁富含油脂,能润燥滑肠,对于肠燥便秘有显著疗效。它能够帮助消化,润滑肠道,刺激排便,保持肠内粪便湿润,有利于排便。

3. **止咳平喘**:桃仁味苦能降肺气,有止咳平喘的作用,可用于治疗咳嗽、气喘等呼吸系统疾病。

4. **治疗痈疮**:桃仁配伍清热解毒药,可以用于治疗肺痈、肠痈等症,具有消痈散结的功效。

5. **补充能量**:桃仁含有碳水化合物、糖类等,能快速为身体提供能量。

6. **促进肠道蠕动**:桃仁含有丰富的纤维素,可促进肠道蠕动,帮助消化,缓解便秘。


7. **止血**:桃仁中含有大量胶质,能产生血小板,具有止血作用,适用于治疗月经过多、血崩等出血性疾病。

8. **调理月经**:桃仁可缓解痛经,调理经期,对女性月经不调有一定的治疗作用。

9. **治疗跌打损伤**:桃仁可治疗跌打损伤、瘀血肿痛等病症。

10. **缓解皮肤疾病**:桃仁在皮肤科疾病中也有应用,如治疗皮肤瘙痒、湿疹等。



1. **情绪调节**:花精疗法主要通过调整人的情绪来实现疗愈效果。花精能够直接作用于情绪,帮助个体在情绪波动时找到内心的平静。

2. **身心平衡**:花精能够与人的身心产生共振,调节身体内的精微能量场,达到身心平衡。这种平衡有助于缓解压力,提高生活质量。


3. **心灵成长**:花精疗法不仅仅是情绪的调节,它还鼓励个体进行内在的心灵成长和修炼,促进个人意识的发展。

4. **非化学加工**:花精未经化学加工,更接近自然,有助于减少化学药物可能带来的副作用。

5. **疗愈机制**:花精被视为具有疗愈机制的能量波,能够与人体细胞能量产生共振,促进内分泌、免疫、消化、代谢、神经系统等多方面的和谐运作。

6. **精神与心灵层面的疗愈**:花精疗法对精神与心灵层面的疗愈效果显著,有助于缓解精神压力,改善心理健康。

7. **增强免疫功能**:某些花精如金七三七花精,被认为能够增强机体的免疫功能,对多种疾病有辅助治疗作用。

8. **提神补气**:花精如三七花精,具有提神补气的功效,对因疲劳引起的身体不适有改善作用。

9. **缓解症状**:花精在临床上对某些疾病如高血压、咽喉炎、牙周炎等有缓解症状的作用。

10. **提高自我觉察力**:花精疗法有助于个体提高自我觉察力,更好地理解自己的情绪和行为。



1. **清热生津**:卢根能够清肺热,化痰浊,适用于风热犯肺引起的肺热咳嗽,痰稠难出。同时,卢根甘味能生津,性寒能清热,对于热盛伤津口渴者有很好的效果。


2. **清胃止呕**:卢根可以与竹茹等药材同用,治疗胃热引起的呕吐和呃逆。

3. **生津**:卢根具有清热功效,但其泻火之力较弱,养胃生津的功效更为明显。对于治疗发热病引起的口干、纳少等症状有显著效果。

4. **治疗口眼干燥**:对于干燥综合征引起的口眼干燥,芦根有助于唾液分泌,改善口燥咽干的症状。

5. **制作饮料和药膳**:卢根煎汤代茶饮服,尤其在夏季,有清热解暑的作用。


6. **其他功效**:据资料表明,芦根还具有降压、降脂、抗癌的作用,对于肥胖病有辅助疗效。

7. **适宜人群**:芦根适用于高血压、高血脂、动脉硬化、癌症等病症的辅助治疗,同时也适合需要清热解毒的人群。




1. **雪梨的功效**:
– **润肺止咳**:雪梨性寒,具有生津润燥、清热化痰的作用,对治疗咳嗽、喉咙痛、痰多等症状有显著效果。
– **养胃生津**:雪梨味甘,能滋养胃阴,对胃阴不足、口干舌燥、大便干燥等有缓解作用。
– **清热去火**:雪梨具有清热去火的作用,适合用于外感温热引起的发热、口渴等症状。

2. **花椒的功效**:


– **温中散寒**:花椒性温,味辛,能温中散寒,对于脾胃虚寒、胃痛、呕吐等症状有一定的缓解作用。
– **止痛杀虫**:花椒还具有止痛、杀虫的作用,对关节肌肉疼痛、蛔虫等症状有一定疗效。
– **解毒理气**:花椒能解毒理气,对于外感风寒、腹痛泄泻等症状有一定的缓解作用。

3. **冰糖的功效**:
– **润肺止咳**:冰糖味甘,性平,能润肺止咳,适用于肺燥咳嗽、喉咙痛等症状。
– **生津止渴**:冰糖能生津止渴,适合用于口干舌燥、食欲不振等症状。
– **养胃生津**:冰糖能养胃生津,对于胃阴不足、胃痛等症状有缓解作用。


4. **雪梨花椒冰糖结合的功效**:
– **润肺止咳**:雪梨与花椒冰糖结合,能够润肺止咳,适用于治疗咳嗽、喉咙痛、痰多等症状。
– **温中散寒**:花椒的温中散寒作用与雪梨、冰糖结合,可以缓解脾胃虚寒、胃痛等症状。
– **解毒理气**:花椒的解毒理气作用与雪梨、冰糖结合,有助于改善外感风寒、腹痛泄泻等症状。



1. **补中益气**:黄芪花具有补中益气的功效,适用于治疗身体虚弱、中气下陷等症状。

2. **升阳举陷**:黄芪花能帮助提升阳气,对于因阳气不足导致的身体不适有改善作用。

3. **补血活血**:黄芪花具有良好的补血活血作用,适用于治疗气血两虚、月经不调等问题。

4. **利尿排毒**:黄芪花能帮助利尿,有助于排出体内多余的水分和毒素,减轻水肿等症状。

5. **美容养颜**:黄芪花中含有多种氨基酸和活性成分,可以滋养肌肤,促进毒素排出,有助于美容养颜,减少皱纹和色斑的生成。


6. **提高免疫力**:黄芪花能提高人体免疫力,增强机体的抗病能力。

7. **强心护脉**:黄芪花有助于心脏健康,保持血液循环顺畅,对心血管系统有保护作用。

8. **降脂减肥**:黄芪花可以加速新陈代谢,尤其是脂肪代谢,有助于降低血脂,达到减肥瘦身的效果。

9. **抗炎抗菌**:黄芪花具有抗炎、抗菌、抗病毒等作用,对感冒、咳嗽、肺炎等常见疾病有一定的治疗效果。

10. **抗肿瘤**:现代医学研究表明,黄芪花中的某些成分可以抑制肿瘤细胞的生长和扩散,对癌症患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

11. **抗疲劳**:黄芪花有助于缓解疲劳,提高工作效率。

12. **抗氧化**:黄芪花中的抗氧化成分可以清除体内自由基,延缓细胞衰老。

13. **调节内分泌**:黄芪花有助于调节内分泌,对女性月经不调等问题有一定的改善作用。

14. **增强抗过敏能力**:黄芪花可以提高身体的抗过敏能力,预防过敏症状的发生。


"Miaoxiu, you son of a bitch, you don’t die a natural death. Let me go quickly."

The snake god roared in the sky, and the chain roared, and the sound was breathtaking.
"Master, this is the snake god? Your old man really suppressed the snake god? " Pig bodhi old zu licked his tongue and his lips were dry.
"It’s up to you to give you a chance to swallow the golden body of the snake god. You won’t mind if you have something to swallow the whole snake god." Jade Duxiu said slowly.
Chapter 1713 Daohua Twelve Quasi-demon gods
"Roar" The snake god roared in the sky, and the huge body was constantly twisted and struggling. In this struggle, the pieces were broken and the chaos of heaven and earth filled the air. The law of the location of the snake was lost and returned to chaos.
"Master, what you said is true?" The pig bodhi old zu looked at the crazy roaring snake god and suddenly the mouth twitched and swallowed a big mouthful of saliva.
"Nature is true. If you have something, it is a good thing that you can swallow this snake god," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.
Pig bodhi old zu swallowed water. "Master, I want to swallow it. The power of this snake god is too vast. Before I get close, it has been turned into dust by this snake god."
Said the bodhi old zu pig eyes patrol around eyes rested on a drop of golden blood mouth not far away, a moment to devour the golden blood into the body to the jade Duxiu way "master this snake god golden body I dare not devour this drop of JingXie enough for me to digest for a period of time, such as the old pig I further to devour this JingXie is not too late!"
Looking at the pig bodhi old zu Yu Duxiu smell speech sneered, "You this fellow has a wicked heart and no thief courage, but it’s not worth mentioning that people are short of heart, so go home."
"Miaoxiu, you son of a bitch, let me out." The snake god roared and roared in the sky, but he saw that his black chain penetrated the snake god seven inches. Even if the snake god was strong, he would never break free from the chain power.
"Master, you just suppressed the snake god?" Pig bodhi old zu a pair of eyes looking at jade Duxiu carefully way
"Naturally," Jade Duxiu takes its time. "It will take some time for me to kill this fellow, and my avatar will be further cultivated, and the Hui Jian will be wiped brighter, so that I can completely kill this snake god."
"Oh, my God, this is the strong. The real strong will never die. Master, can you really kill the snake god?" Pig bodhi old zu dare not believe way
"Didn’t I suppress the snake god?" Jade Duxiu didn’t answer the pig bodhi old zu this fellow words but took a look at the pig bodhi old zu.
"Is it true that the master is magical and magical, but I don’t know what kind of realm the master is practicing now?" Pig bodhi old zu looked at Jade Duxiu and blinked.
"It’s hard to bury in heaven." Jade Duxiu said slowly and put away her chaotic gourd pig bodhi old zu appeared in the hall. "In those days, when the snake god broke my road seat, he had made up his mind to destroy the snake family and never die."
"Master, let me give you a hand." Pig bodhi old zu walked over.
"Just you? Idiot! Snake clan is not a soft persimmon quasi-strong, and there are also some seats that just turn it into a powerful world source law. "With that, Jade Duxiu twisted Bai Ze’s appearance and expression and walked out of the hall to the side of the bodyguard." There are positions that make all the snake tribes belong to the seat today, and all the quasi-demon gods come to the demon god hall to discuss business. "
With that, Yu Duxiu looked at the pig bodhi old zu. "You go to the temple to hide."
"Yes, my brother." The pig bodhi old zu saw the distance, and there was a trembling moment and turned to the temple.
Then nine head worm, the nearest one, took the lead in coming and saluted Yu Duxiu. "Is my father a strategist?"
"The snake god is closed and detached to prepare for the creation of the world. I am in charge of everything in this snake family. Please be too cooperative." Jade Duxiu gave a gift to that nine head worm.
Nine head worm smell speech nodded and didn’t refute it. He would never have thought that his father had been suppressed.
Jade Duxiu unhurriedly looked at the distance, seeing the road in a virtual way, allowing the strong to turn into light, and fell in front of the snake god hall and slowly came to the snake god hall.
"One, two, three, four" Jade Duxiu silently counted "Twelve" after a while, only to see that there was no time in the distance, and it was obvious that the quasi-strong snake clan had arrived.
"This snake god is really fierce, and there are actually twelve quasi-strong people." Looking at the twelve quasi-strong people, Jade Duxiu’s heart andao didn’t say much. This is the snake god who said that it is hard to say how many quasi-strong people there are in the snake family.
"I wonder who this is?" One of the snake gods probably looked at Jade Duxiu and suddenly became one leng.
Nine head worm said, "This is the new life strategist of Father God, and this Bai Ze strategist is responsible for everything of our snake tribe."
If you really hear this, SIRS quasi-demon God looks at Bai Ze’s eyes and reveals the taste. SIRS are quasi-strong and immortal, even in the face of snake gods, they may not buy it. What’s worse, what is the so-called strategist?
"I don’t know if the strategist called me here for something important?" One of the quasi strong way
Jade Duxiu unhurriedly turned around and slowly boarded the throne of the snake god, commanding and overlooking the quasi-demon gods.
"Boldly, this is the throne of the demon god. You dare to board the throne of the demon god. Is it that you can’t die? This is irreverence. Don’t come to get the blame quickly." Seeing Jade Duxiu so moving, all the quasi-demon gods are furious, pointing to Jade Duxiu and swearing, and nine head worm is also furious at this time
Jade Duxiu leisurely sat on the throne and looked at Fang SIRS quasi-demon Shinto "today’s seat called everyone to this thing."
Talking, Yu Duxiu examined the quasi-demon gods. "The snake god has been suppressed by me. Are you going to surrender to me or prepare for my enemy?"

This lane is not wide. At the end of the lane, there lives a big house separated by a wall.

The wall may have some cracks after years of weathering. In Chu Yun’s eyes, the unkempt teenager is staring at the pool in the courtyard garden every time.
That pool is a lotus.
Chu Yun looked at a sigh andao indeed as expected is a lover.
No matter how many people they love, whether they are laymen or people who cultivate immortals, regardless of their identity and position, what if they are sincere feelings and true feelings, even if there are many difficulties?
What’s worse, lotus is the only one in the eyes of the land.
"It’s just that since I’m here, maybe I should go and see her first."
The figure suddenly faded, and Chu Yun suddenly left
A flash of figure seems to be completely unfettered. Chu Yun directly crossed the imaginary and appeared in a forest outside the city of Xiandu
This forest is also a small name in the local area, and there is an old saying that you Xin Lin is famous.
"You sacrificed three drops of heart pulse, essence and blood, and it takes too long to recover. This is a thousand-year-old five-element Zhu Guo, and I have incorporated five elements of spirit root into it to speed up recovery. Let’s find another hidden place."
Chu Yunyin passed away and faded away.
Corydalis was in pranayama, and it was also one leng, staring at the sky strangely and saying to herself, "This is God’s will?"
Chapter IV Qinghai Lake
It’s been ten hours since Xiandu City, Gu Xiang, stared at its scenery through that crack.
Among them, he didn’t eat or drink, and he didn’t sleep. He just stared at the lotus, and even after a while, the lotus stopped changing and closed his eyes.
On the same day, the Kyushu boundary was wiped out by many core elders of Taikoo Gate, and the situation was greatly improved.
At the same time, the Kyushu League sent a large number of people to recruit masters of Sanxiu, strange people and martial arts in Kyushu to expand the major sub-altars of the Kyushu League and expand the guarding guards of major cities.
People from all walks of life who belong to the talent Kyushu League are vigorously recruiting, including some strange people and skilled craftsmen and martial arts practitioners, all of whom are recruited by Kyushu League.
Of these, the first two are naturally not to be said much about martial arts practitioners, and Kyushu League is also vigorously recruiting Kyushu League, which controls many cities in Kyushu, not only with the control of practitioners, but also with the support of the army, especially the soldiers of military commanders. These are the keys to controlling the people.
On weekdays, activities such as maintaining the stability of the city, guarding the pass and protecting the caravan are naturally completed by the army and ordinary soldiers.
The Kyushu Alliance not only has a very large body, but also has the support of many sects and families. In addition, its unique geographical location governs the Kyushu boundary. Almost 70% of the people are in the jurisdiction of the Kyushu Alliance, and there are millions of soldiers who are practitioners and masters of scattered practice. I am afraid that they have already surpassed the overall strength to catch up with the right path.
The reason why the Kyushu Alliance respects the three factions is because of the swire gate, because the swire gate owner is Jin Xianxiu, who suppressed the emperor’s heart at the repair level, and the three factions are in the same spirit, which makes the Kyushu Alliance people dare not be too arrogant about the three factions.
In the past, when the Terran emperors were still alive, Kyushu was just in its infancy. Who dared to provoke the world at that time?
With the rise of Kyushu alliance, perhaps evil things can’t sit still, so this time there is a border robbery?
However, even so, many core elders in Taikoo Gate swept away, and the Jin Xian level was the only strong one, Mundus Residual Day, who also encountered the mysterious witch god.
Immortal capital stared at the sight of the dead body, and the black hair was slowly whitening, and the whole person’s vitality was extremely low and the dead body spread.
This is the scene of Shou Yuan’s unfinished life, but greatly stimulated, and the whole person’s vitality is about to dry up and die.
A wisp of fairy wind flashed, and it was Chu Yun who reappeared. Looking at his eyes and eyes, he couldn’t bear to take them away with a wave of his hand.
The corydalis, where Youxinlin is located outside Xiandu, swallowed the five elements of Zhu Guo in the Millennium, and the whole person’s breath recovered a lot, and the physical loss was also supplemented.
Zhu Guo is also very precious to practitioners, which can not only improve physical fitness, but also consolidate cultivation qi and moisten meridians, which is very beneficial to the recovery of true elements.
What’s more, this is a thousand-year-old five-element Zhu Guo, and the five-element spiritual root corydalis naturally knows that it is a very precious thing.
It seems that two times of distress and two times of rescue are separated from each other.
The first time to shake off the envoy in black, the mysterious man sent the ethereal operator, and then the man in blue appeared, giving himself a thousand-year-old Zhu Guo, and the loneliness in Corydalis was like a little less.
The original practice of returning the Tao to the virtual technique has a vague and ethereal operator to hide her breath. Violet believes that even ordinary fairy masters will find it difficult to detect her breath if she exerts the virtual method and adds the ofuda’s hiding power.
In this way, you can hide yourself in this chaotic world first, and there are more guarantees in terms of safety.
Looking back at the direction of Xiandu City, Corydalis is a little reluctant to follow Lu Li for several days and has experienced several battles. Corydalis has some memories. Compared with the lonely time of practicing in Taikoomen in the past, it is far less wonderful than these days.
"I don’t think he’s a passer-by, do I?" Violet shook her head gently and sighed slightly, then slowly walked forward and left this secluded forest.
How can you tell the difference between truth and falsehood when you meet someone by chance and get tangled up? Meeting, parting, fate, destiny, if there is fate, we will meet each other!
Although the pace is not fast, this time Corydalis let go of her worries and solved her heart knot. In the end, she had no choice but really left.
She believes that with the help of the mysterious man, Lulu will not be in danger, and that’s right, Lulu will never die.
When the breeze blows, people will see the veil again. The beauty is just the wind in the rain. A faint corydalis flower once bloomed.
Qinghai lake outside Kyushu
There is a strange theory about the origin of Qinghai Lake.
It is said that the original place was a mountain and river, and with the passage of time, a strange beast of heaven and earth eventually bred and became the overlord of this mountain and river.
However, in the Millennium, there was a monster beast that suddenly came. This monster beast was extremely horrible and could be transformed into a human form. It can be called the king of the demons, and the evil spirit shocked the strange beast. There was a fierce battle.
Both of them were amazing. A fierce battle lasted for nine days. Even the vast mountains and rivers in kuya collapsed and perished. At that last blow, the strange beast, regardless of his own injuries, set off his own practice for thousands of years. It was planned that the humanoid lich king would perish together.
The demon king is also no less capable of displaying the magical powers of the heavenly demon.
That earth-shattering blow destroyed a large number of mountains and rivers in one fell swoop. After years of flowing, a lake was finally formed here, and gradually recovered its vitality. Finally, some terran experienced people came here and named it Qinghai Lake.
Dan, the strange beast, naturally died, and the demon king was badly injured, and he didn’t know where to fall after that.
In addition to saying that Qinghai Lake is also a fantastic scenery, like a paradise.
There are many kinds of creatures here, and the aura is also very abundant, and few practitioners pass by in the buffer zone of Kyushu’s western regions
Chu Yun’s figure flashed at his feet, and the corners of the mouth of the lake were slightly raised. "This is it."
As he finished his words, he floated to the lake again, and his left hand moved his sleeve, and the strange light flashed out and lay down on the lake.


Most of the ordinary practitioners have these colorful colors because of their different methods of practice, but Hu Tian’s true strength is perfect! Only he can feel this true power.
This layer of real yuan covers him, and his figure suddenly disappears and becomes physical on the spot.
Section Red Sea, Golden Toad, Open Your Eyes!
The strange power of firm but gentle finally appeared in the foundation period, which made Hu Tian invisible for the first time.
Stretching out five fingers and waving back and forth in front of the members of the Jin family only to see each other’s roots detect that the waving speed of Hu-day is accelerating, which makes the other party slightly one leng.
But then Hu-day stopped moving, and the members of the Jin clan scratched their heads in confusion and said to another companion, "Now that the benefactor has left our guard, is it finished?" Is it time to leave here? "
Another thought for a moment and nodded and agreed, "Yes, we gave this experience back to the heads of families and went to help the people build a defense line. Grace Gong killed the head of Hu family. It is said that there will be chaos in the sky. It is said that the Huya Camp led by Hu Shuai has firmly surrounded Hu Jiaju, and the second magic robbery world war will be on the verge."
After watching two people leave step by step, Hu-day cancels the true force and suddenly appears in situ from the invisible state.
"Tiger Shuai, Tiger Tooth Camp?" Hu-day a slight frown soon loose attention to itself again to "this firm but gentle monasticism advanced level can be both invisible and invisible to make people die all don’t know how to die is sneak attack plot against murder and arson extremely avatar! It’s a pity that now I’m still building a foundation period, but firm but gentle shock can help me to be invisible and can’t hide the sound. "
"Well … this dress has been stained with blood and stinks. Let’s give priority to taking a bath and changing into clean clothes."
Hu-day noticed that his clothes were already untidy, and he was already disheveled after being cut by crow and dog. Later, after so many things, he hasn’t changed, and now he has finally died, and he is ruined by blood and sweat.
More importantly, Hu-day’s skin is wrapped in a thin layer of blood cocoon, which is particularly uncomfortable to stick to the skin.
"I have long heard that there is a big hot spring in the depths of this cave, and the temperature is suitable for claustrophobia. It must be quite comfortable to wash away the dirt."
Thought of here, Hu-day’s mind moved, and Yuan Li once again wrapped himself in the direction of the hot spring. If others were here, they would hear footsteps and never see a half figure.
The way to fix the truth lies in both bravery and diligence in words and deeds, and Hu Tian will never miss an opportunity to exercise himself. Along the way, he should have reached a new level for the brand-new real power and become fully familiar with the real power.
When I arrived at the mouth of the hot spring, I found a gold guardian whose chest was full of waves, fat buttocks and breasts were also repaired during the foundation period.
Hu-day at this time has been able to skillfully transport firm but gentle Zhenyuan firmly wrapped his body and walked up and down in front of the guardian for three rounds to find each other’s eyes staring at the front, only then nodded satisfactorily and drilled into the hole.
"It seems that this kind of firm but gentle truth element can’t be transported in the foundation period, and those who fix the truth in the foundation period can’t notice it, but it won’t work once the movement is accelerated."
Hu Tian silently pondered the effect of this magical power and compared it with the other two beasts.
"I am now a beast, sword, and magic. The avatar is also a lot of green feather and wind dove transformation, Tianma transformation, and firm but gentle shape. In addition, there are five heads of sexy devil who look like a total of great avatars! But there is not much real power. "
"The five heads of sexy devil huddled in the sea of knowledge, which made me sick to a certain extent. The illusion and conscious attack can be defended and the shock wave can be sent to this effect. When I sacrifice and refine the multiplier, the only shock wave attack will have to retreat to the second line."
"It’s green feather wind dove, tianma these two veins have great potential! I can kill Hu bandits, green feathers, and doves, and I can make great contributions to the wind! So should we abandon sword repair and magic repair and specialize in animal repair? "
In the foundation period, if you choose to fix the truth, it will become the biggest multiple choice question before Hu Tian, and he has to think deeply.
All the way to meditation, the firm but gentle figure is still running endlessly, reflecting Hu Tian’s huge consciousness. Before he knew it, he had already walked through a long and deep tunnel, and the end of the tunnel had faint red light.
Wow …
Waves of water linger in Hu-day’s ear more and more clearly.
Red light shines on the rock wall like water waves, and gentle romantic feelings ripple around a corner. Hu Tian shines at the moment.
The red light shone on his face, and he froze in place.
Beautiful shape!
This is a terrestrial lake about the size of a football field, but waves repeatedly hit the red-ink rocks on the shore, reminding people of the sea.
"It’s better to call it a hot spring pond than a red sea of gold," Hu Tian muttered.
This is a sea of earth.
The waves jump like naughty children, and the golden light on the water surface is uncertain. A piece of sea water presents a red ruby, which is too deep red and too shallow crystal. This kind of red is full of deep affection for nature, which is difficult for even the masters of painting to describe.
Whoa … whoa … whoa …
Rows of waves surge up, red wave peaks flash with golden light, just like pieces of huohuo burning flames hitting and hitting the surrounding rock walls, and the waves break like sparks flying around.
Transpiration of steam with a warm breath blowing Hu-day hair, cheeks, bare skin, as if a hot young woman wrapped in a red trench coat in a warm invitation.
Without the slightest hesitation, Hu-day undressed and shook his boots and slowly stepped into it.
The water temperature is a little hot, which is simply wonderful for Hu Tian. The waves hit his body and took away dirt and blood cocoons, revealing like jade. His body seems to be a perfect pearl in the red and golden waves, which is particularly eye-catching.
The warm and thick breath wrapped Hu Tian, which made his pores stretch to wave, and he washed away all the dirt on his body to relieve his mental fatigue.
As soon as he dived into the bottom of the sea, his waist twisted like a jade dragon emerged from the waves. He felt like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon and was about to wave its wings to show the most beautiful miracle in life.
"Foundation period ….." He uttered a long chant, and his body was washed by the sea, undulating and sinking into the sea, and floating on the waves.
"That’s right!" In my mind, there was a flash of light. "Isn’t the standard of free manipulation of the lucky three-legged treasure toad the foundation period?" I should be able to … "

Moment Hu-day eyes off flash at the same time Zhu Fu also noticed this situation can not help but gasp in air conditioning cried, "captain, we set up this large array too soon! Too late! It’ s a close call. The wolves are out trying to tear us to pieces and don’ t give us a chance! "

"Well, in this wolf pack, people are cunning and cruel, so many people who build a foundation and fix the truth should unite to deal with the two of us. What is even more chilling is that this group of people are unscrupulous and do their best without being bound by vanity and common courtesy. Fortunately, we have set up a large array."
Hu-day’s face is as heavy as water, and murder rises slowly from the bottom of my heart, but on the surface, I can’t feel the atmosphere change and convergence. Murder has already been handy. Rao is how strong he is, and he is glad to have set up a large array at this time, otherwise things will be very bad
"Not necessarily so. When the captain’s spike dies, the black wolf serves and closes the wolves, he is bound to find a scapegoat, so no one dares to procrastinate and miss it. Only then can he attack and kill us wolves together. Ai Kan, Qiao Zizai and Yu Wenli are all grumpy people, and no one will even ask the captain to make you a head to determine the status of the wolf leader."
Zhu Fu’s eyes rolled a few times and immediately hid the other party’s motives behind the incident. The reasons were all clear
"That’s right." Hu-day nodded and his tone was as cold as ice. "Since they are all here, it would be great if Zhu Fu presided over the large array. I will wipe them out myself and leave no survivors."
"Yes," Zhu Fu was told by Hu-day. He once again witnessed Hu-day’s decisive demeanor, and his heart vibrated. He actually took pity on the wolves for the first time, and he eagerly rushed to test the array for the first time.
Hu-day gave Zhu Fu control of the large array to protect the peak, which was also very reassuring. Zhu Fu was patient, flexible and personally decorated. This black Xuan Pan Mang combination array is the best choice for performing large arrays, and he himself prefers to kill the enemy in life and death.
"Not good! There is actually a large array of peaks! " Yu Wenli, Qiao Zizai, Ai Kan and others meet and rush all the way to kill. Suddenly, the scene before them becomes deeply immersed in the black Xuan Pan Mang combination array.
Section 132 Red Blood Dan
Black Xuan Pan Mang combination array is an illusion. The wolves galloped all the way, but suddenly found themselves in a boat. Thirty-one people drifted along the black river in thirty-one boats. On both sides of the black river, there were towering and steep gorges with axes and knives. Generally, the gorge on the left was golden and the gorge on the right was silvery all over the sky.
"Knot array! Knot! " Joe is a big fat man. Seeing this scene, he opened his eyes wide and screamed. Wolves have always bullied more and robbed less. Usually, he often practiced a kind of net-fighting array. This array of people’s eyes is not only a trapped array, but also a large array that ordinary people in kill array fall into. It is like a big net that completely entangles people, binds them or captures them or kills them.
Which wolf pack member is not a bloody executioner? The combat quality is higher than the elite. At this time, it is not necessary for Joe to wake up at home. Thirty-one solitary boats are also rapidly moving closer to each other in an attempt to fight against the black mysterious array.
However, at the moment when the converging attack array is about to succeed, suddenly, there is a monstrous wave on the black river, and the huge waves will soon be together. Then the wolves will be scattered, and then the wind will howl and the waves will roll over. At this time, the black river will be calm. At this time, the waves will surge like mountains and wolves, some of them are at the top of the wave, and some of them will sink to the bottom of the wave. The converging attack array of the converging attack array will immediately become a distant hope.
"Want to form a pocket net array under my eyelids? It’s a dream! " Zhu Fu manipulated a large array and watched the object that Weifu himself had endured for years, but now he was struggling in his own hands and panicked. Suddenly, a sense of pride was like a winter fire.
Zhu Fu even gave up the outside door to cover up his tracks. These days, he’s holed up in Hu Tianqing’s peak wolves. It’s expected that he’s here and knows his own tactics like the back of his hand.
The enemy is dark, and I know my own details. As soon as the wolves are in a desperate situation.
From time to time, members of wolves are photographed by huge waves at the bottom of the river, and the breath of life disappears because Hu Tian is lurking in the river, wrapped in a firm but gentle sword, waving a colchicine sword and constantly harvesting life.
"Steady! Steady! " Ai Kan drank a piece of mixed iron, gold and steel rods and danced into a wind shadow in his hand. No matter how big the waves were, he was outside the door, and his feet were as firm as a rock.
On the other hand, Yuwen Li waved a broadsword and rolled up a swirl of flames to counter the black water waves. Joe’s freedom is even more obvious. His instrument is a huge shield, and no matter how fierce the waves are, he returns in front of the huge shield.
The Three Commanders held their positions steady and their faces were extremely distorted. Looking at the members of the wolves being attacked by huge waves to the surface of the river, they struggled to build a team. Once the team was overturned, it was blood in their hearts, and it was hard to eliminate their hatred.
Hu-day killed himself like a duck to water in the middle of the Black River.
He waved the sword of autumn water, and the light of the sword was sharp. People can be his ten hands. The change of water flow in this black river depends on his mind. When he meets an enemy with outstanding defense, he doesn’t start work. There is a fierce undercurrent in his hand, which immediately rolls up the vortex of terror and crushes the defense device of that person in an instant.
If you meet someone who attacks Zhuo more fiercely, he will easily lurk in the undercurrent and change his body along the current, and his body will accelerate like a sword. When the opponent is at first contact, he will be quick and hardly respond to his opponent.
Waves of plasma are like flowers blooming in the middle of black water, and the three commanders on the river are furious, but they dare not water. This dark river seems to be a wild and fierce beast, Zhang Jukou, who wants to choose people and eat them!
"Hu-day you coward! Dare to show up for World War I? "
"Little bastard bastard dares to plot against your grandfather, and I will come out and die quickly!"
Wolves have been sneaking up on others since they were founded. When has anyone ever been sneaking up on them? When have you ever been so wronged? The Three Commanders knew that their opponents were hiding behind the array and manipulated their life and death with one hand, but they didn’t see Hu-day’s appearance. Only then did they know that Hu-day was not only tyrannical but also cruel and cunning, and his heart was immediately cold.
These three commanders have persisted until now, but they haven’t waited for the imaginary flaw. On the contrary, this large array is getting stronger and stronger, and the offensive is becoming more and more difficult to resist. This is all because Zhu Fu has become more and more skillful after the array.
"Are you going to die here now?"
"Can’t think of this hu-day so cruel! He wants to kill us alive in a big array! "
"When urgent is not to break large array but how to get away! If we want to get away, we will kneel down and beg the black wolf to serve us. Are you afraid of his ghost array according to the strength of the black wolf’s adult then? "
Three people look at each other and see that they are withdrawing from each other. Although they don’t like each other at ordinary times, at this time, the enemy is that these three people are incredibly United together.
"Life and death crisis! Don’t make any more reservations! " Joe drank a bottle of latosolic red pills from the treasure bag and pulled the cork to pour dozens of bright red pills into his mouth.
This kind of Dan medicine says that one red blood pill can fill the blood gas and make the body’s blood boil and roll endlessly. For animal practitioners, eating more than one pill can forcefully pull the repair to a state. Of course, the vice is also very huge, which is equivalent to squeezing their own life potential and dying. If you don’t say that the state repair will slip a lot afterwards.
"It’s just a loss of Shou Yuan. If you can’t get through this difficulty at this time, everything will be over!"
"If you don’t have a life and everything is gone, what is the realm to talk about!"
How can a dog jump over a wall when he is in a hurry? See Joe freely knock red blood Dan Aikan, Yuwen from the mouth at the same time pour a lot of red blood Dan also desperately!
"Ahhh ….." In an instant, Dan’s bottle bottomed out with red blood, and Dan exploded into thick blood gas in three people. These blood gases were like rivers burst their banks, and immediately the three people’s blood was forcefully expanded.
Joe squirted blood all over his body, even in the corner of his eyes. He cried miserably, and the pain made his face extremely distorted and particularly ferocious. A burst of red blood suddenly flashed from him, and he turned into a giant turtle.
This big turtle has an oval turtle shell the size of three tanks, which is especially special. It actually sinks into a pit. There are five claws on each side, and the turtle head is shrunk in the turtle shell. Two pairs of green fine mans eyes are flickering in the darkness.
The black wave slaps on the turtle body, but it seems to slap on an island. The claws of the turtle slide, and all kinds of undercurrent eddies suddenly stop and become a soft wave.
Beast change-concave turtle!
When the beast is cultivated in the light period, it can change into blood veins, corresponding to the fighting power of the fine beast and beast, and it will cross a realm. Although Qiao Zi is only in the late stage of the foundation, a large number of red blood Dan will forcefully push him to the early stage of the light period.
He forced the beast to change into a concave turtle again, and the fighting power soared again, crossing a whole realm to reach the Peiyuan period!
In the realm of cultivating truth, there are periods of practicing qi, building foundation, light and cultivating yuan. Qiao Zi succeeded in animal transformation. From building foundation to crossing light, he has the power of cultivating yuan. This is the horror of the school of animal cultivation. Once the animal blood is stimulated, it can forcibly stimulate the fighting power to cross a realm of cultivating truth!
"Hey!" A tiger roars in the wind and clouds, and Yu Wenli also bursts into red blood and splendor. The successful beast turns into a tiger. This tiger has a fiery red fur and golden stripes. Tiger Claw and its tail are burning with golden red flames and stand at attention. It is an amphibious beast-a mad tiger!
At the same time, on the other side, Aikan inspired the animal blood to change into a big iron squirrel. The huge tail covered with steel needles is a natural weapon. It is the beast Tieling giant squirrel!
Section 133 Wisdom and Congcong
Instant Zhu fu’s pressure has increased dramatically!
"There are three Pei Yuan period fighting forces! The three leading wolves have jumped over the wall! " Zhu Fu, who presided over the large array, was also shocked in his heart. Big beads of sweat immediately rolled down his forehead. He manipulated the large array in the early stage of the foundation and dealt with the three major fighting forces in the Yuan Dynasty at the same time. It was already difficult to take care of it.
Fortunately, there are Hu-day lurking in the side to coordinate!
Now you can see that many people are good. If Zhu Fu or Hu-day alone can’t resist these three people desperately, but now one person manipulates the large array and one person raises the sword to kill the enemy. The black water surging sword light will stop these three people after all with the power of the black Xuan Pan Mang combination array.
The black water rolled like a dragon, like a dumpling, although it could not resist flying, but it could deal with Tieling giant squirrel Zhu Fu, who manipulated a large array and tried his best to stir up a huge wave with a height of dozens of feet, and squeezed his real yuan to form a containment vortex around Tieling giant squirrel.
Boom a huge wave and pat the Tieling giant squirrel into the bottom of the river immediately. Hu Tian thought of moving a huge river and pushed him to the left and right of the giant squirrel. He tried his best to encourage Zhenyuan Qiushui Sword to make a long sound around the giant squirrel’s neck.
This blow Hu Tianhao retained and seized the fleeting fighter figure. After crossing the Tieling giant squirrel, the colchicine sword immediately broke, and the jaws of the giant squirrel shattered and shed blood. However, the giant squirrel’s neck only showed a blood stain, and then it was sealed by fur convergence.
"This is pei yuan period combat power? I hit the foundation in the middle, so I got it! " Hu, as a shock.