
1. **保湿与补水**:芦荟中含有丰富的天然保湿因子,如氨基酸和复合多糖物质,这些成分能补充皮肤中流失的水分,恢复胶原蛋白的功能,防止面部皱纹,保持皮肤柔润、光滑和富有弹性。

2. **调节皮脂**:芦荟具有收敛作用,可以帮助调节皮肤皮脂分泌,使皮肤变得更加细腻。


3. **防晒与晒后修复**:芦荟中的某些成分可以在皮肤上形成一层保护膜,防止因日晒引起的红肿、灼热感,保护皮肤免受紫外线伤害,具有抗辐射能力。


4. **抗炎、抗肿、止痒、止痛**:芦荟膏含有组织胺抑制剂、前列腺素抑制剂、乳酸铁、B族维生素及酶等成分,能有效防止肌肤发炎过敏,细菌生长,促进细胞新陈代谢和皮肤再生,减轻疼痛和瘙痒。

5. **美白与祛斑**:芦荟中含有抑制黑色素生成的物质,有助于美白皮肤,同时可以去除青春痘、痤疮、黄褐斑及雀斑。

6. **减肥**:芦荟通过活跃内脏功能,促进新陈代谢,达到减肥的效果。

7. **促进伤口愈合与减少疤痕**:芦荟膏能够促进伤口愈合,减少疤痕的形成,对于皮肤轻度烫伤、蚊虫叮咬等情况有很好的治疗和缓解作用。

8. **延缓皮肤衰老**:芦荟膏中的天然黏液可以延缓皮肤细胞老化,增强皮肤弹性,激活皮肤细胞活力,滋养肌肤,延缓皮肤衰老。

9. **护发与去头皮屑**:芦荟膏中的成分有助于修复受损头发,减少头皮屑,适用于头发干燥和头皮屑问题。

10. **修复皮肤伤口与治疗皮肤疾病**:芦荟膏对于皮肤干燥、蚊虫叮咬、老年性皮肤瘙痒症、神经性皮炎等皮肤问题有很好的治疗和缓解作用。



1. **合理搭配食用**:将白杏与其他食材搭配,如与蔬菜、肉类或粗粮一起食用,可以丰富营养,提高其保健效果。例如,白杏与红枣、枸杞一起泡水喝,可以增强体质,缓解疲劳。

2. **选择成熟度适中的白杏**:成熟度适中的白杏,口感更佳,营养成分也更丰富。在食用前,可以通过观察颜色、触感和味道来判断其成熟度。

3. **适量食用**:虽然白杏营养丰富,但过量食用可能会导致身体不适。根据个人体质和健康状况,适量食用,每天一到两个为宜。

4. **合理储存**:新鲜的白杏应储存在冰箱中,以保持其新鲜度和口感。对于干杏或杏干,可放在干燥通风处保存。

5. **利用杏核**:白杏的核,即杏仁,也是一种营养丰富的食材。杏仁含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素和矿物质,可以用来制作杏仁露、杏仁粉等食品。

6. **制作杏酱或果酱**:将白杏制成酱或果酱,不仅可以增加其保存时间,还能使其营养价值得到充分利用。



7. **结合中医理论**:根据中医理论,白杏具有生津止渴、止咳平喘、润肺化痰等功效。在食用时,可以结合自己的体质和健康状况,适当搭配其他中药材,以增强其效用。


8. **注意禁忌人群**:阴虚体质的人、糖尿病患者、幼儿等人群应适量食用白杏,以免引起不适。

9. **保持饮食均衡**:白杏虽然营养丰富,但应注意饮食均衡,避免过量摄入糖分和热量。



1. **增强食欲**:姜糖水中的生姜可以刺激唾液腺和消化腺的分泌,从而促进胃肠蠕动,帮助增进食欲。

2. **镇吐**:生姜具有温中止呕的作用,对于因胃寒、消化不良引起的呕吐有一定的缓解效果。

3. **活血驱寒**:姜糖水中的生姜性温,有助于驱散寒邪,适合体质寒凉的人饮用。

4. **治疗风寒感冒**:生姜具有发汗解表、温中止呕、祛痰止咳的功效,对于风寒感冒有一定的缓解作用。

5. **促进消化**:生姜可以促进胃肠蠕动,有助于消化吸收。

6. **补中益气**:红糖富含铁元素、维生素及多种微量元素和矿物质,具有补中益气、健脾胃的作用。

7. **止痛**:姜糖水中的姜具有一定的止痛效果,可以缓解轻微的腹痛。

8. **降血脂、降血压**:姜糖水中的姜含有类似阿司匹林的物质,具有血液稀释和防凝的作用,可能对降血脂、降血压有益。


9. **缓解晕车**:对于容易晕车的人来说,姜糖水可以起到一定的缓解作用。

10. **对孕妇的益处**:对于孕妇来说,姜糖水可以驱寒暖胃,对孕妇和胎儿无碍,尤其适合外感风寒初期饮用。



1. **药用价值**:
– 在中医药理论中,老虎被认为具有强筋骨、壮阳、补肾的功效。因此,虎酒被认为可以治疗腰膝酸软、阳痿早泄等症状。
– 传统上,人们认为虎酒可以增强体质,提高免疫力,对风湿病、关节炎等有一定的缓解作用。


2. **文化意义**:
– 虎在中国文化中象征着力量和勇气,因此,虎酒也被视为一种增强男子气概的饮品。
– 在一些民间传说中,喝虎酒可以带来好运,甚至有说法称饮用虎酒后可以提高人的武艺。

3. **心理作用**:
– 由于虎酒的特殊性和稀有性,人们对其功效往往抱有很高的期望。这种心理作用可能会在一定程度上影响人们对酒效的感受。


4. **科学分析**:
– 然而,从现代科学的角度来看,虎酒的实际药用价值并没有得到充分的科学验证。老虎的成分是否真的对人体有益,目前没有确凿的证据。
– 在制作过程中,如果处理不当,虎酒可能含有有害物质,如重金属等,长期饮用可能对健康造成危害。




1. **质地与吸收**:娇兰帝皇蜂姿修复蜜润柔肤水呈水状,但质地较浓稠,能够快速被肌肤吸收。
2. **保湿效果**:产品具有很好的保湿效果,能够为肌肤提供充足的水分。
3. **香味**:水含有淡淡的香味,很自然,给人一种舒适的感觉。
4. **功效**:主要功效包括紧致肌肤,保持肌肤弹性,适合秋冬季节使用。
5. **适用肤质**:适合任何肤质,尤其是混合干性或干性肌肤。



1. **网友“共执桔梗枝”**:这款水很滋润,涂抹后吸收很好,不黏腻,非常适合这个年龄段的人,效果非常好,会持续回购。
2. **网友“半阴天”**:干皮用着非常好吸收,味道很棒,很滋润,很保湿,特别适合冬天和干皮。
3. **网友“偷得浮生半日闲”**:非常喜欢帝皇蜂姿的味道,涂抹在脸上感觉很好,柔柔润润的,保湿效果好,适合干皮敏感肌。
4. **网友“谁念西风独自凉”**:水非常细腻,能帮助后续吸收,滋润不油腻,补水效果好,蜂王浆成分安全,不会过敏。
5. **网友“素子花开”**:未提供具体评价。




1. **清热解毒**:仙草具有清暑、解热、利水的功能,能够帮助身体排出多余的湿气和毒素,适合在炎热的夏季食用。


2. **调节血糖**:仙草含有一定量的多糖,这些多糖有助于调节血糖水平,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

3. **增强免疫力**:仙草中的多糖成分还能够增强和提高机体的免疫功能,有助于抵御疾病。

4. **抗衰老**:仙草中的微量元素能够抑制自由基的形成,有助于延缓衰老过程。

5. **降低血压**:仙草中的黄酮类物质有助于降低血压,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **镇静安神**:仙草中的香精素具有镇静作用,可以帮助缓解焦虑和紧张情绪。

7. **抗癌作用**:研究表明,仙草中的某些成分可能具有抑制癌症细胞生长的作用。

8. **促进消化**:仙草冻具有一定的通便作用,可以帮助改善消化系统功能。

9. **美容养颜**:仙草中的维生素和其他营养成分有助于调节和增强生理机能,对皮肤健康也有益。


10. **利尿消肿**:对于肾脏病、关节肌肉疼痛等疾病,仙草冻也有一定的缓解作用。


Everyone wants to see Jack nife, so I won’t show it to you today!

After Qin Changfeng hummed, he was attacked by the four ghosts in Xiangxi, and he did not move. There, the additional crit feature department of the five-way dragon-fighting sumeru palm force was condensed in the whole body.
Although the palm power offered by these five physiognomy skills is transparent, there will always be dense traces when swimming in vain, leaving the top masters of the four ghosts in western Hunan naturally won’t be careless enough not to find them.
However, their scruples and self-confidence are all equally solvable.
In many cases, it is difficult to distinguish between self-confidence and conceit, and the nature will change in an instant.
This time, the four ghosts in Xiangxi unfortunately took conceit as confidence.
Qin Changfeng after the four of them near suddenly hands at the same time like a black hole was born a huge suction toward them.
"Suck the power solution!"
The four ghosts in Xiangxi were surprised at the same time, but the four people soon set the palm of their hand around Qin Changfeng and formed a slippery circle, which made Qin Changfeng shake them by suction in his palm.
"Dragon Wheel!"
The five dragon-shaped palm forces are connected end to end and rapidly rotate into a millstone-like qi wheel, but this time the wheel is a bit big … Surround the four ghosts in Xiangxi around Qin Changfeng!
The four ghosts in Xiangxi took it by surprise that two of them resisted Qin Changfeng’s absorbing power solution and the other two turned to resolve the palm force.
But at this moment, Qin Changfeng’s hands hold the crown wheel formed by five critical clapping forces, and the huge impact force is directly smashed and swept away in all directions, especially when the four ghosts in Xiangxi are instantly hit by a huge horse, which is why they can resolve the true qi.
Can avoid four people by the shock aftermath rushed to Qin Changfeng leaned over.
At this time, Qin Changfeng, with a tight dragnet, re-applied the same trick to his center and sprinkled several people around him. With his hands, he grabbed a person’s head like an iron hoop and then absorbed force wildly.
The absorption speed of the Skill Absorbing Dafa is as high as 35 points per second. You should know that the lift of each layer is only 5 points, which means that it can suck his indestructible strength dry in a few seconds.
This is definitely a frightening story!
At this time, the four ghosts in Xiangxi are like this, even if the skill is deep, people can’t stand such crazy absorption.
Although the other two men attacked Qin Changfeng after recovering from the aftermath of the shock, they have been broken and their threat to Qin Changfeng is really minimal.
Qin Changfeng if malicious hand all four people will die, but he didn’t do it. It is necessary to absorb one-third of all the four manpower, so that their capability will plummet. Even if they can recover, it will take a long time, and then they will be released and said, "Leave the Phantom of the Opera magic book. This is your life money."
The strength was greatly reduced, and the four ghosts in Xiangxi retreated to the side of 33,000 in horror. The latter sank and said, "I didn’t expect that the commander of the Royal Guards would also practice the evil martial arts of absorbing power solution."
Qin Changfeng answered, "Are you forcing me to kill you?"
Thirty-three thousand one hundred surprised and then said grimly, "Give him the secret book and let’s go."
Someone presented the four ghosts of Xiangxi with a pen and paper, and soon wrote down the secret book of Phantom of the Opera. Although they are very reluctant, they also know that if they don’t, they will definitely not be able to walk out of this door … A Royal Guards commander will kill people, and there may be a trace of fear. After all, it has a great influence on them, but they will never have scruples about such Jianghu people.
Qin Changfeng took the secret book and determined that it was true, then pointed to four boxes of treasures and said, "Don’t hit Haitang again after taking these things away. Pay attention, I can’t belong to you in her life!"
It’s natural that 3000 can be the first richest man all day, but it’s not a hollow reputation. I didn’t say anything. I’ll see you later. Let people lift the box and leave decisively … Bite people and dogs don’t bark!
But it’s just a dog after all.
Qin Changfeng, the head of the four ghosts in western Hunan, can’t take the so-called hiding because he wants to beat them openly, and maybe he can also give Haitang and Piaoxu to kill the first-class masters, which has not been done yet.
Look at the log and make sure that the hidden progress of the first day has become 3/5. After that, Qin Changfeng went directly to his room to close.
Mainly to digest the true power of different species.
Now, except for a small part of the force that he has absorbed from Gu Santong, the other forces have been scattered by him after being absorbed and transformed … He can repel everything that doesn’t belong to him in his body, which makes him feel like a hidden time bomb. I don’t know when it will explode.
This time, there are a total of 7,000 points of power drawn from the four ghosts in Xiangxi, which is a very dangerous number, because his indestructible power and microscopic skill add up to just over 7,000 points.
There is a warning in the skill theory of level 4 skill of absorbing power that you should not let the heterogeneous qi exceed your own qi, otherwise you may turn against the guest!
The safest way to do this is to disperse the work well … that is, to directly disperse the unwanted heterogeneous qi.
But this is not an easy process. As the saying goes, mountains are easy and mountains are difficult, but it is far more dangerous to disperse than to suck. If you are not careful, you will wave your own skills!
In this process, Qin Changfeng gradually came up with a bold idea … to wave off these forces and not give them to others?
At the thought of doing it, he first found several death row prisoners to do experiments, initially mastered the tricks, then groped for experience in the royal guards, and finally showed off.
Finally, Qin Changfeng came to the conclusion that this kind of power absorption and low efficacy rate is generally about three to one, but it is absolutely no longer a problem for ordinary experts to be able to absorb enough power to make a lot of work!
There is no egg for the tester, but in the real world, it may play an unexpected role in the mortal world …
After more than a month, the haggard Haitang found Qin Changfeng … She really came to the sea with a knife.
As soon as she met, she knelt down and said, "Master Haitang, please save a knife! His magic is getting stronger and stronger, and the method of controlling murder is getting bigger and bigger. The sects are ready to join hands to encircle him, and the adoptive father is subject to the command method. You are the only one who can help him! "
She said it sincerely, but Qin Changfeng replied with a straight face, "Why should I save him?"
"Even for the younger brother’s sake …"

He seems to be careless, but in fact he has been paying close attention to Yu Guihai.

His question is a temptation.
His coming to Tianyun is actually a long-planned event.
It is a coincidence that Yu Guihai also came to the secular world this time.
I just don’t know if this person is also coming for that matter.
In fact, he guessed that it was almost certain that Yu returned to the sea. This person is definitely the patriarch Zhan Feiyun.
Although this planning is secret, it is difficult for Zhan Feiyun to capture some clues.
Although Zhan Feiyun can’t know their real purpose, it is normal to send such a person to explore the situation.
This is also the reason why the peak owner wakes up early to guard against this person.
"It’s just visiting relatives. I’ve been away from home for a long time, and now I’ve achieved something. I should always go home. It’s also a matter of accepting Beicang House by the way."
Yu Guihai’s expression naturally answers at will.
Of course, he won’t say that he has no plans for the demon king in the ghost-headed mountain library. He can’t tell such a hostile person.
"I believe you a ghost!"
Burning cigarettes, Zhenjun and other wily old foxes immediately judged that Yu Guihai had something to hide, and immediately became more certain about the previous speculation.
However, he didn’t show any trace, and immediately ha ha smiled. "It’s time for Yu Fengzhu to return home with his clothes on."
Then the two sides went their separate ways after you blew and I held a feast.
A leaf boat flew away from Tianyun and entered the great prosperity.
Yu Guihai’s greatest feeling at the bow is the gap between heaven and earth. The concentration of heaven and earth in the secular world is many times lower than that in the wild world.
The prohibition of heaven cutting cliffs not only blocks monsters, but also isolates the aura of heaven and earth to a certain extent
Yu Guihai didn’t pay too much attention to this and soon frowned and thought about it.
In his opinion, the real gentleman who burns cigarettes has gone too far.
It is normal for both sides to avoid seeing each other as enemies rather than friends, and it is also common to provoke face to face or stumble behind.
Burning cigarettes seems like a provocation, but Yu Guihai always feels a little abnormal, as if he is testing himself
He thought for a while without any clue, so he no longer thought much about the conspiracy of the other party, that is, to cultivate immortality or to speak with strength
Let your troubles go back to the sea and look at the wild in the distance. It’s peaceful and quiet here.
The earth is full of vitality, and there are no monsters running rampant and no harsh environment. This is peace and human reproduction.
There was a calm in his heart for no reason, and it seemed that a string that had been tightened for a long time was loose, and a smile appeared on his mouth.
"I’m back!"
Chapter 512 Marry, Guests and Rimmon
At this time, a mansion in the halls of fish Qingzhou City is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and there are even more suona gongs, drums and lion dances.
There are also many guests who are big shots at first sight, and they are pouring in to send obeisances.
A middle-aged man greeted all the guests with a big smile on his face.
"Congratulations to Yu Guzhu"
"Haha, it turned out to be the cloud steward, please."
Yu Guihai wondered at the scene outside his house in the distance.
"This is a wedding. Who looks like a wedding? It won’t be the old man who took the second room, will it? "
Thinking at random in my heart, he walked towards the door, and people came and went around, and no one saw him. This is the effect of shading, so these mortals can’t see him.
If someone walks into the house and goes all the way to the parents’ residence, he will directly show his shape and knock at the door in the first two steps.
Suddenly, there was a loud cry of children in the courtyard.
Then there was a familiar sound, gentle and soothing, but this cry seemed to lead the way. Not only did this not calm down, but four big cries broke out one after another.
Yu Guihai smiled and gently pushed the door.
Zhao Yunzheng, the mother in the courtyard, was coaxed with four or five maids, each holding a baby carefully.
Hearing the door Zhao Yun looked up and suddenly saw a familiar figure.
Although Yu Guihai has changed a lot, my mother recognized it at a glance and immediately lost her call.
"Mother, I’m back."
Yu Guihai smiled brightly and said

He really lurks in the sea and dives silently.

In the sea of Beistyles, the water is cold …
He has been looking for it for more than thirty years.
At most, there are purposes and calculations. Look carefully.
Gradually, as time goes by, the more you travel, the more you see and the more you calculate …
In the end, all calculations vanished, and all plans were illusory …
Because the Beijiao Sea is too big and changing all the time.
Several ghosts meet their soul forces here and gradually materialize their memories!
Counting life once remembered here, and it will form a few days at any time. Once in the future, now counting scenes are all over the ocean.
All kinds of dreamland are shallow and dignified, and even evolved into the past country, the so-called ghost country
Zhang Yue’s hard search for a plan is gone, but the care is still there!
Wandering in the North Aihai Sea is a boundless sea, which is full of dangers and countless kinds of strange ghosts.
Fortunately, Zhang Yue has that sinister face.
However, no matter how he looks for it in this northern sea, he can’t find the answer he wants.
Because this northern sea is alive!
This place is naturally formed. In the universe, the Styx runs through several worlds. Only when the Styx passes through the world can there be life.
And this northern sea is the casual confluence of the Styx.
It’s not vandalism, it’s not intentional. It’s like human hemangioma aging in its breath.
Here, the ghost river does not move, and naturally, the ghost river meets, forming an ocean here.
So Zhang Yue hasn’t found it in this decade, another decade and another decade.
By this time, everyone has been promoted to Yuanying, and Zhu Tianrong has already returned to Jin Dan.
It stands to reason that Zhang Yue should be anxious.
But he was not worried at all. Suddenly, he smiled.
So lonely, looking for so many dangers, Zhang Yue finally found it!
"I’ve searched for the North Sea for 17 times. Everything inside and outside is in my heart!"
"Even if it changes a thousand times, it is rooted in it!"
"And this so-called must be the remains of Immortal Qin and Qin Huang Liu Immortal Qin."
"And what can’t be found in this immortal Qin relic?"
"It’s possible that it’s in the North Sea but not in the North Sea!"
Say that finish Zhang Yuefei dun and straight at the virtual.
Break through the north sea and continue to
Do everything!
Fortunately, Yang Xiu practiced the twelve flying geese to escape, and they turned a great power into Kun’s legs.
This great power, this evasion, Zhang Yue can’t stop.
To the direction!
Suddenly look at the whole northern styles sea in Zhang Yue field of vision.
Then Zhang Yue, he is familiar with this feeling about the North Sea …

Chapter 13 Bones, Yin Qi Shield

After this group of skeleton fish was killed, Yu Guihai took out the largest piece of lantern paper and quickly absorbed the yin after the death of skeleton fish.
At this time, the lantern paper in my hand weighs more than 100 kilograms, and it is as cold as ice, in which the Yin qi base is full.
Yu Guihai was satisfied with putting away the lantern paper. After a careful induction for a while, he did not find any movement in the water, so he jumped off the cliff and closed his eyes and meditated.
When the upgrade point is refreshed at midnight and I return to the sea, I directly choose to upgrade the explosion method to Dacheng, which is not easy to practice. If it needs to explode for a long time, I will upgrade it first.
Thrilling to dawn, waiting for the first ray of sunshine in the east to fall and return to the sea, opening your eyes and standing up, giving a long whistle to take off the night’s dust.
He turned over the top of the cliff several times, chose a direction and ran away. It wasn’t long before he came back with a mountain cow and found firewood to roast it. After eating the meat, it was already bright.
Before Yu Guihai came to the pool, he looked intently into the water. The line of sight was only five meters deep, but it was a dark color with a strong yin and cold breath entrenched in the water, which hindered all prying.
"I wonder if there is anything else in this water."
Yu Guihai has the heart to find out, but he has doubts. If there are still powerful ghosts in the water, his strength can’t be exerted.
After thinking about it, he turned away and soon brought a dead goat and a bundle of black vines.
Tie the dead goat, cut the knife and tie the stone, then throw it into the water and slowly put it down, and it won’t take long to reach the bottom
The estimated length of Yu Guihai is only ten meters deep.
After waiting for half an hour, he pulled the goat and carefully observed that it was exactly the same as it was when it was released, and there were no signs of being bitten.
"It seems that there should be nothing in the water. After all, there is the skeleton fish."
Thought of here, Yu Guihai came to the pool, picked up a big stone and jumped into the pool.
Practitioners can maintain qi and blood consumption for a period of time without breathing and nothing will happen. Practitioners in the gas environment can maintain qi and consumption for a long time without breathing and nothing will happen.
Yu Guihai held a stone and quickly sank in the surrounding water. At this time, there was no way to deceive his eyes. The water was clearer than it was, but there was no life in the water.
Soon he came to the bottom of the water, covered with fine white sand. There were no aquatic plants and no living things, and it was also a dead place.
Yu Guihai, take a closer look at the pool. It is not more than ten meters. Fiona Fang is surrounded by neat brush. On one side of the mountain wall, there is a black hole leading to deeper ground.
It is from this hole that the rich yin qi comes out, and the waterfall water finally fails to fill the pool, obviously because of this hole.
Yu Guihai looked outside. It was so dark that even his eyesight could not see a few meters away.
However, seeing the scene in just a few meters made Yu Guihai creepy.
The hole went in and the ground was covered with bones!
Densely extending into the darkness are human bones, and I don’t know how many there are.
Yu Guihai’s scalp was numb and looked at the dark cave, and he couldn’t help but feel a deep fear.
He turned his head and slammed the whole person into the water like a rocket.
Crash ~ ~ ~
With a splash of water, I jumped out of the pool and landed on the ground, bathed in the sun, and his heart throbbed away slowly.
In that wat cave where he couldn’t see the water, a huge shadow with a bucket was flash and disappeared into the darkness.
Yu Guihai sat on the cliff overlooking the pool.
"There is absolutely a powerful unknown danger in the water pool cave. You should never get involved easily. Even tonight, you should always be careful not to lose your vigilance."
He has the idea of finding another place unless necessary, but it is impossible to find another place for a while
He had to take risks to upgrade here in order to ascend the mystical spirit.
One more thing, since those skeleton fish are hiding in the water pool, it means that the danger of the cave should rarely touch this place, otherwise the skeleton fish would have died out.
Ghosts don’t have the concept of peaceful coexistence. It is the truth that they devour each other.
Night is coming soon, and Yu Guihai is sitting on the cliff. This position is safer than the pool. Even if the pool changes, he has room to react.
Come to the upgrade point at midnight to refresh Yu Guihai and touch out the jade box.
The small grass in it has given birth to three complete leaves and a small tender leaf, while that piece of Taisui Poria cocos has shrunk to a third of its size.
Yu Guihai estimates that at most, another half-year-old poria cocos will be consumed.
He didn’t stretch out his hand and pinch two leaf plugs into his mouth. He thought about it and picked another one and put it in his mouth. Then he covered the box and put it away.
Three clean streams flow down the throat into the abdomen, and a cool air stream immediately flows to the body.
Yu Guihai didn’t delay to meditate immediately on "upgrading Xuanyin’s method of viewing gods"
Bang ~ ~ ~
A flash of thunder flashed over Yu Guihai and saw that the dark illusory figure with empty thinking became clearer again.
The number of cultivation pictures flows from the mind, and the number of cultivation experiences is deeply engraved in the bottom of my heart.
Around his body, a huge vortex of Yin qi swept the Yin qi in the valley pool and absorbed it into the body, transforming it into its own mysterious aura through illusory figures.
Soon Yu Guihai opened his eyes and a dim light flashed through his eyes, turning them into dark colors, just like two small black holes that couldn’t even reflect light for a moment before returning to normal.
"Very well! I have risen to the sixth floor of Xuan Yin Guan Shen method in the gas refining period, and the second spell Yin Qi Shield can be practiced. "
Yu Guihai is thinking with joy.
He called out that the physical attributes of the physical interface rose again, and this time it rose by seven points, which shows that Xuanyin’s method of viewing gods has a growing influence on the body.
Yu Guihai looked at the shape interface spell item again, and the words Yin Qi Shield (beginner) appeared as expected.
He closed the interface and thought slightly about the Yin-Qi shield cultivation method flowing from his mind.
The only difference between the practice of this spell and the legal Yin technique is that its core rune is more complicated and more difficult to visualize.
However, this difficulty does not constitute an obstacle in the face of Yu Guihai’s powerful spiritual attributes.